I'm A Flame, You're A Fire

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Derek smiles to himself as he watches Isaac cuddle up against Scott in front of the fireplace. They were werewolves and didn't really need to blanket of fire to stay warm, but the two young wolves said they thought it was romantic.

Derek slowly walks out of the living room, leaving his betas so they could stay in their own romantic world for the rest of the night. The pack never had much time for themselves, aside from high school, jobs and protecting Beacon Hills.

He notices Stiles in his office, typing furiously on his laptop. He notices Derek stopping in front of the doorway and grins at him, "Hey Der. I think I found more information about the witches in California. Almost all of them left may years ago, but there's one family that stayed."

"You should take a break." Derek tells him and sees the bags underneath Stiles' eyes, "You've been researching for hours, and the witches aren't here yet."

"But they could be. We don't know if they're dangerous or not." Stiles tells him, but he closes his laptop anyway. "We have to be prepared."

"We can prepare tomorrow. When you have had enough sleep." He reaches out and places his hand on Stiles' shoulder. Stiles smiles softly and rests his cheek on top of Derek's hand before getting up, "Fine. But you're coming with me, Sourwolf."

Derek sighs at the nickname, but can't help the smile growing on his face. "I'll check up on the pack first, but then I'll join you."

"Any chance of..."

"When you're eighteen, we've talked about that Stiles." Derek raises his eyebrow and looks at the smug smile on Stiles' face.

"Oh, come on! My birthday is in two days!" Stiles tells him ans sighs before walking out of the office, "You tease."

Derek snorts and places his hand on Stiles' back as he follows him to their room. Well, not officially theirs, it was Derek's room, but Stiles hadn't slept in his own room at the pack house since they got together. Not that Derek was complaining.

He watches his boyfriend walk into their room, teasingly shaking his hips as he pulls his shirt off. Derek shakes his head before continuing walking to the room next to theirs, he knocks on the door and slowly opens it. Cora looks up from the TV screen, but Lydia and Malia don't bother to. "Do you guys need anything?" Derek asks them, his voice barely louder than a whisper, Malia still shushes him as she intensely watches the screen. Apparently they're watching a movie.

"No, we're good. Thanks." Cora tells him, giving him a smile before turning back to the screen just in time to jump from the loud scream coming from the TV.

Derek closes the door and skips Scott and Isaac's rooms. He knocks on the room next to that and opens the door again. Kira looks up from the book she was reading and gives him a big smile, "I was just about to look for you."

"Oh?" He raises his eyebrows surprised.

"I finished the book you gave me, it was amazing!" She gets up from her bed and reaches for the book laying on her desk. It's bound in leather with a wolf printed on it, "Your sister, Laura, she's an amazing writer."

He smiles as he looks at the book. Laura had wanted to be an author before she was murdered. This was the first book she had finished writing but had never the change to publish it.

He and Kira had bonded over the fact that they both loved to read. They recommended each other their favorite books, so he gave her Laura's.

"Are you thinking about publishing it for her?" Kira asks him curiously.

"I thought about it, yeah. But I never had the time or... the courage to take that first step." He tells her honestly as he stares at the book in his hand.

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