A month ago he would never dream of forgiving Louis, of being even civil with him. But after spending weeks with him, he realised that by holding this grudge, he was preventing himself from a happy life.

He knew he could only be truly happy with Louis, even after what he had done, so that's why he decided to let down his walls a bit.

It would take time, thats for sure. But he was willing to put the effort back into their relationship if it meant he could live a somewhat normal, happy life. With Louis.


The next day:

Today the lads had their interview with Ellen.

This would be their second to last interview before they flew back to the uk to begin their interviews in their home country.

However, Louis knew one thing the other lads didn't.

Technically, he wouldn't be attending the interview. Elio would.

He would be portraying a character named Elio Parker and while the other lads would be sitting through an interview, he would be watching on from the audience.

Ellen has personally called him early this morning asking him to come in to the studio so he could be disguised by a makeup artist using special effects makeup.

His job was easy. He would simply sit and watch until he was caught.

Ellen would be discreetly throwing hints at the boys to do with Louis' character and they would have to try find him by the end of the show. If they find him, everyone in the audience would get some sort of prize, if not, well, Ellen would probably give them something anyways knowing her. But they didn't need to know that.

So, with that, Louis declined the lads offer at getting breakfast with them and instead headed over to the studio with Paul.

"Alright Ellen" Louis greeted upon seeing the Niall look a like. Their similarities were freakishly accurate.

"Louis, nice to see you again. Okay, no time to talk. This is your makeup artist, her name is Lauren Mychal, she goes by the name Glam and Gore on YouTube and she's very good at what she does. Sooo, I will leave you with her to get started and come find me when your finished" She explained before walking away again.

"Ok, what do you have planned for me then?" Louis asked with a smile, taking a seat at the vanity.

He was a little intimidated by all the prosthetics and equipment displayed in front of him but ignored it, he has been through this process before.

"I was thinking some sort of fat, old man look. You can wear a fat suit under your clothes and I will give you a double chin, the lot. How about that?" She said with a small chuckle, ready to make the handsome man look unrecognisable.

"Sounds good, I'm ready when you are" He said with a shrug.

She began with a bald cap, which already made him look completely different but this was only the start.

She then covered his eyebrows completely using glue, concealer and powder, making him look like some sort of alien having no hair at all.

This process followed through with adding on the double chin made from liquid latex and a beard that had countless grey hairs with in it. The same coloured hair got placed on top of the bald cap, leaving a bald patch in the middle. His fake eyebrows were bushy and dark but were somewhat covered by his glasses perched on top of his nose. The last few steps were just finishing touches, adding the makeup on to appear older, she drew on wrinkles and blemishes to look like ageing skin and then they were on to the final part. The fat suit.

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