Seriously, all this over one remake?

About halfway through the movie, Shadow was able to understand why Sonic held it in a special place in his heart. The movie had a certain charm to it and wasn't too scary but scary enough. Also, that little 1 year old Gage was adorable.

Nobody knew, but Shadow had a soft spot for children, especially young ones like Cream and Gage. Shadow was incredibly good with children, even if he denies it. Knuckles had more than once teased him about having a soft spot for children, but Shadow always denies it.

Now as the family and their neighbor, Jud, were having a fun time outside in the sun, flying a kite together, and the movie was spending a little too much screen time on a semi truck with a distracted driver, Shadow was beginning to feel a little worried.

He remembered how Sonic had said that the movie pulls at the heartstrings, especially with the scene with Gage, but he didn't know what he meant until now. He could only hope that what he was thinking wasn't so.

Sonic, who was sitting right next to Shadow, noticed the ebony hedgehog tense up once Gage started running after the kite that he dropped.

“Shads, you ok?” He whispered to him.

“Huh? Y-yeah, I'm fine.” Shadow stuttered, his eyes never leaving the screen, hoping, praying that his predictions were false.

However, as the semi drove closer to the family's road and they finally noticed the baby getting too close, Shadow's eyes widened. He mentally cheered for Louis to run faster, to grab the baby and everything will be fine.

“Come on, Louis, grab him!” He started to shout unknowingly as Gage got closer to the road. “Run faster Louis! Grab him!”

Everybody is the room was staring at him at this point, but Shadow paid no attention, his widened eyes glued to the screen, his whole body shaking in terror.

And then… it happened.


Shadow couldn't take it anymore. The little toddler shoe rolling across the ground, the tipped over semi, and Louis’ screams of despair was all Shadow needed to know that his predictions had come true. At that point, all the ebony hedgehog could do was burst into tears.

“Awww, Shadow…” Sonic whispered as he paused the movie and wrapped his arms around the sobbing hedgehog.

Shadow hugged back and buried his face into Sonic's shoulder, crying for the loss of the little 1 year old.

“Why? Why? Why?” He repeated over and over. “Why did it have to happen? Why did it have to be him? He was just a baby. He was just a baby! IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S NOT FAIR!”

“Oh Shadow.” Sonic sighed sadly as he hugged his rival tighter, rocking him back and forth as he petted his quills down, trying to sooth him. “It's going to be alright. It's going to be alright. Shhhh. It's going to be alright. He's fine. He's perfectly fine. It's just a movie. That little baby is still alive and grown to this day. He's alright Shadow. It's just a movie. He's not dead. It's just a movie.”

It took awhile for Shadow to register this. He was embarrassed for crying over a fictional character, but even still, it was a live person, a live baby that they had used for the movie, which made it seem so real. Besides, he doubts he's the only one who cried the first time seeing Gage die.

“Sorry.” He apologized meekly.

“Shadow you have nothing to apologize for.” Sonic smiled gently as he cleaned off Shadow's tears. “You're not the only one who's cried over this.”

“He's right.” Knuckles suddenly spoke up. “Not only have the girls cried before… but I did too.”

“And so did I the first time I saw it.” Tails added.

“We all cried Shadow, it's alright to cry.” Sonic nodded, letting Shadow lay his head on the azure's lap.

“I'm such a softy.” Shadow whispered shamefully.

“You're not a softy, Shads.” Sonic shook his head, gently petting the ebony's quills. “You just have a place in your heart for children, and that's ok. There's nothing shameful about loving children.”

Sonic then leaned down and kissed Shadow's cheek, a blush appearing on both of their cheeks.

“You'll make a wonderful father one day, Shadow.” He whispered into his ear.

Shadow blushed and gave a tiny smile, looking up at the azure hedgehog.

“So will you, Sonic.” He whispered back.

Sonic smiled and chuckled.

“Wanna get back to the movie?” He suggested. “There are still a few sad events coming up, so feel free to cry if you need to.”

“Yeah, I'm ready to see how Louis bring Gage back.” Shadow nodded, turning back to the screen. “And Sonic…”


Suddenly, Shadow sat up and looked into Sonic's emerald green eyes. He leaned in close and pressed his tan lips against peach ones. Collective gasps came from all around, but nobody said a thing. Sonic was shocked himself, but he quickly dismissed it and kissed back. Finally, Shadow pulled back and smiled.


“Not a problem, Shads.”

With that, Shadow laid back down onto Sonic's lap as the movie resumed, crying every now and then at more scenes, but always feeling better afterwards with a kiss.

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