I felt as Carted grabbed at my waist pulling me protectively behind him. It didn't matter how many times I told him I could take care of myself he always did this. Deputy Carter and I have been partners for the past 6 months and between the long nights patrolling together and slight flirting every now and then he knew I wasn't looking for a relationship with a work colleague and that he was going to get himself killed if he let his feeling get in the way of his job.

I ignored his actions and kept my eyes on the men and women beginning to form a circle around us. I glanced up at the stage for a brief second and caught a glimpse of one of the brothers, his dark features catching my eye as he smirked down at me, as if the sight of us in distress gave him pleasure. He stepped forward into the light behind his brother, his eyes glued on mine.

"We knew this time would come." My eyes snapped back to Joseph as he placed his hands on the shoulders of his followers "We have prepared for it. Go. God will not let them take me." He ushered his followers away and I watched, in shock as they exited the church. These people were completely brain washed.

"Rookie, cuff this son of a bitch." The US Marshal gestured for me to put the man in handcuffs and I couldn't help but to hesitate for a second as he reached forward placing his bare wrists before me, nothing but a cross hanging from them.

I looked up behind the man, two new people accompanying the lone brother, all of them staring intently at me, waiting to see what I would do. I knew who they were but they clearly did not know me. I caught the eye of the man in the middle, his dark features almost menacing as he cupped his hands behind his body and kept his stare on me, not for a moment removing his gaze. I looked away from him and back at his brother, man was I clearly getting myself into some fucked up shit.

I grabbed The Fathers wrists and cuffed them extra tight for comfort. I gave him a push to get in front of me and I began to walk him out of the church. I watched concerned as his followers began to ark up. I listened to their cries as I marched their Father to the helicopter parked outside the compound. As we reached the helicopter the crowd grew more agitated and rocks began to fly at us. I quickly shoved Joseph into the helicopter, jumping in behind him with the other officers. The cultists began to charge at us, clinging onto the helicopter as we began to ascend into the air. I fought with a cultist as he clung onto the side of the helicopter. His hands grabbing at me furiously. I struggled with him for a moment before managing to bring my knee up to my chest and kick the fucker so hard in his stomach he let go of my arm and went falling to his death. I leant over the edge of the helicopter and gasped, I just killed a man. I looked over to Joseph who was sit across from me, my eyes wide with shock. Before I knew it gunfire filled the air and the helicopter began to spin out of control as cultists hung from it. I grabbed the seat I was sitting on and slammed my eyes shut as I braced for the impact.

The smell of smoke filled my nostrils and my eyes began to open. Everything was a haze, the helicopter had crash landed upside down and the blood rushing to my head was making me disorientated. I felt the warmth from the fire erupting from the engine begin to consume me as I began to get a good look at my surroundings. I took in a sharp breath when the face of Joseph Seed appeared only a few inches from mine, his bruised face leaning closer as he stared into my eyes, I felt as he placed a hand on my shoulder and I flinched back from him "No one is coming to save you." He whispered to me before stepping out of the helicopter.

I felt as I began to fall in and out of consciousness, my vision blurred as I fought the urge falling upon me to just let myself drift off to sleep. Snap out of it! You need to get the fuck out of here! I looked over at Carter, his hands struggling to free himself from his belt. I looked down at the belt holding me in place on my seat and began to try and free myself also. My body no longer feeling the urge to sleep but to fight. I felt as the adrenaline pumped through my veins and my heart pounded against my chest. I struggled with the belt some more, looking around at the other passengers all slowly beginning to wake themselves. Suddenly Carters hands scrambled for my belt buckle, roughly pushing my hands to the side so he could free me from this helicopter. I watched him dazed, a soft groan of frustration parting my lips as I frantically looked around the helicopter.

The sound of Joseph screaming filled my bleeding ears "BEGIN THE REAPING!" I looked out the door at him standing above a car, his hands spread out in the air. His followers all turned to us and I watched as everyone began to scramble in their seats trying to break free.

The tight belt around my waist suddenly became loose and I fell hard to the floor. Before I knew it I was being scooped up and pulled out of the helicopter by Carter.

"Wait, the others!" I cried as he began to forcefully pull me away from the scene.

"It's too late, we have to get away." His voice was urgent as he continued to yank me through the woods.

I looked back at the wreck in desperation, what was going to happen to them? I couldn't help but feel guilty as I was pulled away from the wreckage but I knew I was no help to them right now. I had to come back stronger and smarter.

"Ok, let go, I can run." I stuttered as I began to run beside Carter, my legs still a little wonky as they worked on steadying themselves.

I couldn't believe what just happened, I couldn't believe this is how it all ended. I knew it was going to be difficult getting to Joseph Seed but I never expected something like this to happen. Carter and I found a small cave in the side of a rock and ran inside to take cover and collect our bearings.

"What the fuck." I whispered as I sat in a crevice, bringing my knees to my chest and holding them there, my eyes staring at a twig on the dirt ground. "I can't believe it."

"I know." Carter responded, kneeling next to me and reaching for my pistol. "Take it. Be ready." He said as he shoved the gun in my hands.

I grabbed the gun and remembering my training I snapped myself out of my panic and focused on the task at hand. The sound of footsteps approaching from the woods pricked my ears up and Carter looked at me before crouching towards the entrance of the cave. I followed close behind, my gun at ready. We approached the entrance of the cave and there stood two cultists tracking our footsteps. We both silently crept towards them, I reached for a large branch on the floor, slipping my gun back by my waist, I didn't want to alert anyone to our whereabouts so had to do this silently. Carter followed suit, holstering his gun and sneaking up behind his target snapping his neck and letting his body drop to the ground. I stood up behind the second cultist and swung the branch with such force I heard the man's jaw crack as I made impact and his body hit the ground hard.

"Let's go." Carted ushered as we grabbed the rifles the cultists had hold of and made our way through the woods.

The lights of a cabin caught our attention and we approached it quietly as a group of cultists appeared by the building. I looked over at the road and spotted the few cars they had arrived in, by the looks of it the engines still running.

"Carter, we need to get a car." I whispered to him, his dark eyes darting over at the road I pointed too.

He gave me a nod and we made our way to the parked cars. The closer we got I could hear the soft rumble of the engines and I felt for a moment that we had a chance here. We reached the cars, quietly getting in one of them before Carter planted his foot and took off down the dirt road. I looked back out the window and watched as cultists began to run for their cars, yelling and pointing at us as we sped down the road.

"They're coming." I yelled as I kept my eyes on the trucks impending on us.

"I know, I know." Carted yelled back, panic in his voice as he raced down the road.

The cultist began to gain on us and I screamed and ducked as bullets began to blast the back of us. I sat low in my seat, reaching for the rifle I sat between the passenger seat and the door. I took a few deep breaths before leaning out the window and firing back some shots at them. One of the cars swerved off the road and I felt defeated as I watched so many more cars approaching from behind.

"There's too many of them!" I yelled "I can't shoot them all." I felt angered by being outnumbered, we were screwed either way.

"Hold on!" Carter's voice bellowed through the sounds of gunfire and I looked forward as the car swerved off the side of the road and broke through the barricade of the bridge. I grabbed a hold of the dash and braced myself as the heat from the flames erupting from the hood inched closer and closer to my face. I felt as the car plummeted into the cold water of the henbane river and I heard the loud crack and then felt a warm sensation shoot up the back of my neck, then slowly my vision turning black.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2019 ⏰

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