"I have no idea, but if we don't go back now, we're going to be slaughtered."

Harry tilted his head a little, looking confused. "How long has he been here?"

I looked at the bird and then back at Harry. "He woke me up. The thing was sent to us by God warning me that if we don't get back to the hotel, I'll be paying him a visit soon."

Harry grinned, chuckling a little. "You worry too much."

"Well, I like my life," I said, putting my towel around my neck.

Harry looked up at me from the ground. "Do you have food? I wanna feed him..." he trailed off, looking at the pelican.

I stared at him. "You've got to be freaking kidding me."

"What?" he asked innocently. "He looks friendly!"

"You're going to get mobbed by fans if you don't hurry up," I told him. "We can come back and feed the birds."

Harry frowned, still looking at the bird. "Promise?"

I sighed. "Promise. Unless Liam has plans for today."

Harry groaned as he stood. "Today should be a day of rest. I'm sick of sight seeing."

I laughed and grabbed the other towels. "Try and telling him that."

Harry smirked at me, pulling his shirt over his head. "He won't listen."

I shrugged. "Oh well. Now come on! We have to run!"

He smiled at me. "Good morning to you to, Elisa."

He leaned forward and kisses my head. I smiled him. "Top of the mornin' to ya!" I said in a horrible attempt at an Irish accent.

He laughed, "Don't ever do that again."

I smiled, wider that I should've since he had kind of insulted me.

He grinned at me. "I'll race ya back!" he said before he sprinted off towards the boardwalk.

I laughed and ran after him. It’s difficult running in the sand. I swear I almost fell over twice.

Harry was waiting for me at the boardwalk with that stupid, really attractive smirk on his face. “Don’t go out for sprinting…”

“Shut up,” I told him, pushing him playfully. “You got a head start.”

He laughed and slung his arm around me. “Well, you better run fast or Paul is going to kill me.”

“Don’t you mean us?”

“I told you I was taking the blame. So, run a little faster, babe.” And with that, he grabbed my hand and we ran off together.

We made it back to the hotel in record time. Along the way, we found out that it was almost ten in the morning. Paul’s wake up call was suppose to be at ten today.

My heart was pounding in my chest from both all the running and my nervous.

“Hurry up and open the door,” I told Harry as we walked down the long hallway to our room.

“I’m going. He’s not going to catch us, calm down, El,” he said as he slid the room card into the door.

The little light next to the slot turned red. Harry furrowed his eyebrows and slid the card in again. The light turned red again and Harry tried opening the door.

He groaned. “Why doesn’t it work?”

“We’re going to get caught. Oh my God. I’m going to die. Tell my parents I love them, okay? And tell Louis I’m sorry being a pain in the ass. I didn’t mean it, I swear. It’s just my job as a little sister. I’m going to die. I don’t want to die, Harry!” I said, pacing down the hall.

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