9.) Shopping Trips

Start from the beginning

"And you don't have a limit on the credit card Jackson gave you."

"He'll still have to pay for it." I huffed.

"Holly, I'm sure if you doubled the price of all of these, it still wouldn't match the price of one of Jackson's shoes. Not a pair, just one. He won't even bat an eye when he pays this bill."

"Are you sure?" I asked slowly. "I don't want to put him in debt or anything."

"I'm sure you could buy this whole mall without him even flinching." Ryder chuckled.

I sighed. "Okay, fine. I'll get them all." I said, grabbing my large pile of clothes and taking them over to the cash register.

"So are you his girlfriend or something?" The cashier asked, her eyes basically raping Ryder who was standing across the store, in a conversation with the body guards.

I matched her gaze before turning back around to her. "Ryder? Oh, no. We're just friends."

She looked back to me, that dreamy look stuck in her brown eyes. "You're so lucky."

I slid the credit card over to her with an awkward smile on my face. "Uh, thanks."

She swiped the card and gave it back before handing me two large, heavy bags full of denim shorts.

"Can you give this to him?" The lady asked as I went to turn around. She handed me a piece of paper that read "Jenny" at the top with a phone number below it.

My inability to be mean, I just plastered a smile on my face, took the paper, and nodded before hurrying towards Ryder. I stuffed the number inside the bag, having no intentions on giving it to Ryder. I mean, I'm sure he gets that a lot and it would probably just annoy him.

"Okay, now where to?" I asked.

"That's your choice. That faster we get through this, the faster we get to leave." Ryder said.

I smiled. "Ah, that's the spirit."

We left the Hollister store with Darren in front, Danny behind us. I'm beginning to think that they have a system...

We didn't get three feet before we heard a shrill scream coming from just a little bit down the hall. "Just ignore it, it happens every time." Ryder bent down and whispered to me.

I was about to ask him what he meant when my answer came to me. "Oh my gosh! It's Ryder West!!!" That shrill scream said, followed by a bunch of high pitched screams. All at once, all of the people around us had sprinted to be as close to Ryder as they possibly could. Which was kind of stupid because I know for a fact that most of the people that were around us had seen us because I saw them looking and whispering. I guess they needed confirmation or somebody to act first.

Whatever the case was, Darren and Danny were easily holding back the noisy crowd.

"You're used to this?" I yelled to Ryder who was walking, nonchalantly, by my side like nothing was happening, when in fact my ears were about to blast.

He smiled at me and held something out for me. "Here, use these. They help."

I looked down at his palm to see a small plastic box with two orange balls inside that I could tell were hear plugs. I rolled my eyes before quickly stuffing them inside my ears, immediately cutting off most of the sound of the chaotic crowd. I tugged on Ryder's sleeve and pointed towards the Victoria Secret store.

He gave me an 'are you kidding?' look and I just rolled my eyes, walking towards the store with Ryder at my heals and the bubble that Darren and Danny had created was moving with us into the store. When we walked in, the two body guards stopped at the door so that nobody else could get in.

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