Chapter 6- Go Get My Gun

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Recap: Even though he killed people I pretty sure we'll get along.

~3 hours later~

    After finding my SpongeBob Marathon, I thought of taking a bath, but decided on showering instead. It's quick and it's cleaner. I knocked on the bathroom door to check if he was in there.

   "Occupied." I heard him say. I wait for like 10 minutes which felt like 5 hours, and he was taking too damn long. What the hell is he doing. I knock again, and I hear something like an aggravated sign. Not even 5 seconds later, the door popped open. A shirtless Kyle was standing in front of me.

  I tried not to look at him, but my eyes couldn't control themselves as the roamed all over his body basically eye raping him. He had attractive scars all over his toned 8 pack. With a towel wrapped around his waist. His peen was almost showing and - "Ahem!" He cleared his throat loudly, obviously annoyed with me. I don't meet his eyes as he talked to him. I look over his head the whole time.

"Yeah, I didn't know my eyes were down there." He say voice laced with sarcasm.

  "Can you get out of the bathroom?" I ask, awkwardly. He motions toward what he was wearing. What's he so afraid of? We are legit the only humans in this house.

   I heard Popcorn barking from downstairs, I know immediately that something is wrong, because she's usually quiet  and calm. I glace at his beautiful abs one more time before running downstairs to see what was going with Popcorn at the window barking like crazy.

   My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and I walk over to get her out of my curtains. I picked her up and had almost bit me. I looked out the window, and what I saw made my throat dry. I quickly ran upstairs. I looked for Kyle, but I couldn't find him. He wasn't in the bathroom like he was supposed to be. I heard  mumbling coming from my room. So opened the door and saw him pacing.

  " Go get my gun." He said deadly. Awe shit.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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