Chapter 5-Getting to know him part 2

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Recap: The only thing I was looking at was the fact that he had braces.

   I wasn't expecting him to have braces. Plus he was already cute to begin with so the braces added on to that. Why is it that the cute ones are crazy? I decided to pry and get to know him better, because I don't want to live with nobody I don't know. He just waltzed in here (after I opened the door) like he owns the place.

  "So like how many people did you kill?" I asked out of the blue. He stopped eating mid-chew and looked at me. The way his eyes looked made me think that he was probably counting.

      "About 22 or 36 people.* Then he continues to eat. I suddenly lost my appetite, but continued to ask more questions.

   "What's your name?"

  "Kyle Jacob Fitzgerald, what's yours?" He asked me. Honestly, I was surprised he even answered me.

" I'm Katrina Davis. Nice to meet you!" I say enthusiastically. Even though he killed people I'm pretty sure we can get along.


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