Chapter 24 - Drunk In Love

Start from the beginning

"God, no. That's too weird for me." I took the paper from him and slid it into my pocket. "Thanks for the address."

"No problem. We'll um...we'll miss you Katie. It's been nice having you around here. I know Sophia and Perrie will miss you a lot." Liam said sweetly.

I smiled at him. He is literally one of the kindest guys I've ever met. Sophia is lucky. "I'll miss you guys too." I hugged Liam goodbye and then walked towards the door. "Wait um..." I stopped and turned back around.


"I can't go to a bar, I'm only 18."


"It's illegal?"

Liam laughed again. "Not here it isn't, love. You have to be 21 to drink in America but you only have ot be 18 here." I felt stupid. Of course I knew that.

I shook my head, disappointed in myself. "Thanks." I smiled back at him again and walked out the door.

I got a taxi and gave the cabbie the address. It wasn't that far away, only about a 10 minute drive. I paid the driver and walked inside. This was the first time I've ever been in a club or a bar before so...I didn't really know what to expect. I could only expect a bunch of burly tattooed covered guys gathered around a pool table because that's what they do on TV right? A bouncer checked my ID before letting me inside. This was literally the weirdest thing ever. I felt really out of place. I was wearing a sweater, skinny jeans, and boots. There were girls in here practically wearing underwear. I looked past the people dancing, mostly couples grinding on each other or some rich looking guy with a bunch of stick figure, tall ass blondes around him. Finally I saw Louis, sitting by himself on a stool at the bar counter. He looked so depressed, it made me sad to see him like that.

I walked over to him and sat down beside him. "Is this seat taken?" I joked and he looked up at me, sort of surprised to see me.

"Hi, babe." He cracked a little bit of a smile.

"I thought we should talk about some things." He sighed and turned his stool so he was facing me. I felt nervous all of a sudden. It was easier talking to a closed door. "So, I don't know what that guy told you but... I'm not... I'm not just some fan, alright? I don't fly thousands of miles when I'm supposed to be studying my ass off for a test for some random celebrity. I'm sorry if this sounds rehearsed, I accidentally told all this to Liam through a closed door. I thought I was talking to you."

He started laughing at me and looked away. "I'm sorry" was the only thing he could say to that.

I smiled. At least I could make him laugh. "Louis, don't do anything that you don't want to do. Don't let that Walrus guy talk you into being something your not. Follow your heart. You're worth too much to let anyone mold you into what they want you to be."

"God, you're really good at these speeches." He said as he looked me in the eye.

"Only people I care about get them. My mom was grilling me about coming here and I told her that I love you. I really do, Louis. I've never actually trusted anyone enough to tell them that before but I feel like everything is different with you." His mood changed dramatically. I probably shouldn't have said that I love him. Maybe that was too soon. I didn't mean it like that. "I'm gonna leave now. I just wanted you to know that."

I started to get up but he held me down. "Kate, I love you too." He said without any hesitation. "But that's why we can't be together."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want anything to happen to you like what happened to El."

"So you just want to push everyone away and be alone forever then?"

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