Pondering at the Thinking spot

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Kaos was captured, and peace was restored to Skylands

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Kaos was captured, and peace was restored to Skylands. Of course, chompies and other kinds of monsters would still attack Skylands, but us Skylanders always stopped them. And eventually, over time, monsters stopped attacking Skylands and found something better to spend their time doing. Something not so violent or destructive towards others. Eventually after being caged underground for so long, Kaos was given a second chance.

For years, Kaos was trapped in the underground prison behind bars. Glump shanks really didn't need to be behind bars having only accompanied Kaos' side. Glump shanks never really did anything threatening to Skylands, so he really didn't need to take prison time. But he decided to stay behind bars with Kaos because of his loyalty to his friend.

One day, we decide to give Kaos a second chance, and both he and Glump shanks are released from prison and returns to the surface. "Ahh, it's so nice to be out of that underground prison now, ain't it sir?" Stretches Glump shanks as he gave a big stretch. His back nearly cracked.

"Grrr....I don't want to revert to being good. I wanna keep being evil! It's in my blood! And I don't think it's even possible for me to be good, even if I wanted to." Groans Kaos. "Why do you say that, sir?"

"Remember how Eon is of the light, and I am of the darkness? Remember that whoooole story you rambled on to that brat Kiyomi when we had her captured?" Frowned Kaos as he crosses his arms, still not happy about Glump shanks doing that.

"Ooooh, right. I had completely forgot." Glump shanks finally remembers. "HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID AS TO FORGET ABOUT ME AND EONS PAST?!!" Screams Kaos, clearly enraged and offended.

"Oh, well maybe it's because I wasn't there." Glump shanks gave a smug look. Kaos merely grumbled. "Wanna get some ice cream? Cookies, even?" Offers Glump shanks. Kaos lets out a heavy sigh before responding, "Sure Glump shanks. Why not?"

Believe it or not, Kaos turned good over time. Perhaps there were times he tried to be evil again, but he was always stopped and had charges pressed against him, and he eventually decided to be good once and for all. Especially since he absolutely hated being caged below ground. He would do anything to not have to go through that boring period again.

And Kaos eventually began to realize something...being good, actually wasn't so bad. Upon being good, he found himself becoming happier and he even began to win a bit more. Helping others, he was especially good at. He became a hero, but...that was until the Skylanders managed to keep the monsters such as chompies from attacking for any longer. So Kaos' reign of heroism didn't last for too terribly long. But he did still enjoy to help others.

"I'm proud of you, Master." Smiles Glump shanks. "Aw, you don't need to say that Glump shanks! But i've been thinking about something as of lately. You've always been my servant. And for many years, I probably treated you in a way I shouldn't had. So from this moment forward, I announce you as....no longer my servant!"


"That's right! Your no longer my slave--ah, I mean...servant." Kaos immediately corrects himself from calling Glump shanks his slave to servant. Glump shanks gasp deeply enough some skylanders around them thought the green goblin was about to sneeze!

"Master...are...are you serious?"

"And you no longer need to call me Master-- just Kaos will do."

"A-And...your giving me my freedom?!"


With that Glump shanks gave Kaos a big hug before running off to their home. He appeared to be flirting his Kaos' mother. Kaos sadly walked away. He wanted Glump shanks to be happy. But by releasing him as his servant, he didn't think far enough that, that meant he was giving Glump shanks his freedom. Kaos sat down at the thinking spot. He felt like he just lost a friend...

"Whoa, Kaos! What are you doing here?!" Gasp Spyro. Apparently the purple dragon was here, doing some thinking as well. "What does it LOOK like I'm doing?! Pondoring!" Kaos spit at the skylander before turning his attention away and sighing heavily once more.

"Oh...same here. Um...mind me asking what you are thinking about?" Spyro ask curiously but slowly and carefully. He wanted to be careful about offending Kaos. But he wasn't very used to him being an allie. So it felt strange. But now that he's an allie, Spyro wanted to know the bald kid a little better. Especially since Eon and Kaos are good friends again.

"I feel like I just a friend." Sighs Kaos. "Y-You mean Master Eon? But...I thought you both made up! I thought you both became great friends agai--"

"NO not HIM. I'm TALKING about GLUMP SHANKS." Roared a very unhappy baldo. "Ooooh. Okay." Nods Spyro, understanding. There was a short moment of awkward silence before Kaos muttered out...

"So...why are you here? What are you doing? It's only fair you answer my question now that I answered yours." Groans Kaos. "Oh, well...you see, me and Gill grunt...well...we've been fighting."

"Fighting? Fighting over what?"

"Well...we've been sorta fighting over...K-Kiyomi." Spyro eventually managed to spit out his words. "Are you serious?! Your fighting over that stupid, lame blue dragon who got in the way of my once evil plans?! Fight over another girl." Kaos rolled his eyes.

"B-But I can't! Kiyomi is both beautiful and amazing! I can never bring myself to give her up to that fish tailed freak-- oops. I should probably stop myself from calling him that. After all, he is her best friend. They met during their training years in the Skylands Academy. They graduated with each other."

"They sounds better for each other."

"H-Hey-!! Not very supportive!" Spyro shouts out. "I AM supporting! I'm just not supporting her with you!" Barks back Kaos. "True..." mutters Kaos a bit sadly. "Sigh...does she know that either of you likes her?" Brings up Kaos.


"Then tell her how you feel! It's your perfect and only chance before fish freak steals her!" Kaos butts in. "B-But I can't!" Cries out Spyro before hiding behind a rock. "Why not?!"

"B-Because...I-I'm afraid. Afraid I'll be rejected. Afraid of damaging our current relationship, afraid I'll look and sound lame when I tell her. I-I-I...I just can't!" Spyro continues to cower behind his rock.

"Whatever. To tell her or to not tell her...that is the question. But really, it shouldn't even BE a question! Just tell her or I'm going to spread a rumor all throughout Skylands that you are nothing more than a chicken!!" Kaos threatens with a smug smirk while trying to hold back laughter.

Spyro gasp in both shock and pure disbelief. "You wouldn't DARE." Glares Spyro. "Oh yes I would." Sneers Kaos. After a moment, Spyro sighs. "Okay, fiiiiine. I'll tell her, happy?"

"I won't be happy til you tell her."


Spyro flies off in search of Kiyomi. "Love drags." Kaos says. Instead of love birds he says love drags. Drags as in dragons for short.

"That bald freako gets on my nerves..." Spyro mutters under his breath as he flies away. But he had to owe it to Kaos. He probably would have never gathered his courage to ask her out if he didn't motivate or persuade him.

Hmmm...maybe Kaos isn't so bad of a guy as I thought.

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