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"When two aliens find each other in a strange place, it feels a little more like home." - Jonny Sun, Everyone's an Aliebn when ur an Aliebn too.

Bang Chan

He'd lie if he said he wasn't anxious, not in meeting the the but the fact that he'd given the other an embrace so quickly. Here they were, enjoying the silence between them as they sat across from one another. They didn't have to say much but he still felt the need to speak, "Was the walk to the show okay??"

"Yeah, I was actually napping before, so obviously I had to run, leave it to me to sleep in."

"Leave it to me to not sleep at all," Channie merrily sang, "Speaking of, I don't have work tonight. So we don't have to rush this."

"Didn't I tell you to get more rest? You're worrying." Jin puffed out his cheeks, expressing his annoyance. "Take care of yourself."

"I have been!! I promise, I've been relaxing a little more lately."

"Have your parents been better? You said they fight a lot."

"Mmmmm. They do but they seem to remember that they like one another enough to be together. As nice as that is I never want a relationship like theirs. It seems too toxic ya know??"

"Yeah I know what you mean. It's a hard not life when it comes to relationships."

"I've never had very good experiences with girls," Channie gave a hollow laugh behind it, "Maybe because I'm not into them."

"Oh?? Do people know?"

"I mean, now you do. It's not a topic I usually discuss, it's not a huge reveal or anything. I'm sure most people know. They already react so well to Minho and Jisung as well as Felix and his gay tendencies with Changbin."

"I get what you mean, it's pretty normal in this group to be something that's not straight. Hyunjin's polyromantic and isn't secluding himself to girls. Right now I'm pretty sure he likes two people. Are Bin and Felix a thing?"

"Honestly I have no clue what is up with Felix and Changbin, I think they might like each other but are either waiting for the other to ask or is oblivious to it."

"The poor kiddos."

"Yeah." He nodded his head as their food started steaming in front of them, he gave it a quiet stir before continuing the conversation. "What about you?"

"Mmmmm.." The male paused for a moment, finding the proper way to word it, "I think i just don't have the right taste in people."


"응," He made a noise of agreement before specifying, "I'm into both obviously but I've never had a relationship that has ended well with either gender."

"Ah, I don't really know how my luck is, only because I've never been with a male."

"THE CHANNIE HASN'T HAD A BOYFRIEND?!!!" Woojin screamed, a look of glee overtaking his face at the fact whilst the other's face began burning a vibrant crimson.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT, I just think a lot."

"So you've never dated a guy."


"Would you like to try?" 


496 words; March 13th, 2019


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