Dogs solve every problems. Someone should give the Hokage a dog.

Start from the beginning

He needed to find a way to undo the puppet seal too, in case Madara has gotten his hands on Rin this time around.

Plus, Uzushio was so deserted that no one would heed it any mind if Kakashi loudly trained to discover his current power there.

Thus, Kakashi camped out in Uzushio.

His days revolved around reading, training, receiving information from his scouts and interfering whenever his clones popped up to report any information on the confrontation that happened between the hidden villages. Whenever he had to interfere, Kakashi would don his cloak and the blank white mask, appearing between the fight to sabotage the war. He fought both opposing sides, knocking all of the shinobi that crossed his path unconscious, but never hurting them.

It was fun to baffle and anger all five warring hidden villages.

When the sun set, Kakashi spent his nights tending to Obito.

It has been three weeks, and yet there was no sign that Obito was going to wake up.

It was worrying.

So, Kakashi trained and studied harder.

His nights were spent with his nose buried in old dusty scrolls he scavenged from the ruins, studying the scraps of medical scrolls he found and immersing himself in the knowledge of seals that he thought would be useful for his mission to end Zetsu. He spent nights by Obito's side, studying the jinchuuriki seals as well as the seal deconstructing manual in preparation for the mission that he would be interfering soon.

Throughout the whole time, Obito didn't so much as twitch, but Kakashi remained by his side anyway, only nodding off to sleep with his back against the black cube of Kamui's dimension and a half-read scroll on his lap.

He spent the free time during the days to train—getting used to his current body and all of its upgrades glory. His new chakra reserve allowed him to create a new offensive sequence, considering he no longer needed to worry about chakra exhaustion when he used consecutive high-ranked jutsu.

All hail Naruto's chakra reserve.

Experimenting with the new sharingan was an experience. He was aware that there was a high probability he would have the sharingan abilities of both Itachi and Sasuke alongside the abilities of Obito's sharingan that he was used to, but he wasn't expecting it to be this kind of overkill and fun.

Katon was never Kakashi's favourite elemental release, but with Sasuke's sharingan? It was so much fun to experiment.

Then, since he was the one who taught Sasuke the Chidori, and Sasuke has upgraded it to Kirin, Kakashi didn't waste any time to attempt recreating Kirin.

He might have accidentally created something far deadlier that he has gleefully named Raiju.

The white wolf composed of cold seething white lightning filled him with so much pride, especially when he realised that he could manipulate its size and directed its movements like how he would direct his old ninken.

Kakashi still wanted a dog, though.

He had his wish near the end of his third week in Uzushio.

He just finished his training for the day, allowing his Raiju to fade into the air as he untied his hair. The spiky gravity-defying hair has mellowed down to spiky mane that reached his shoulder blades—the perils of his genetics, to be able to grow his hair so fast that he needed a haircut for every four days or so to keep it in its usual length.

Although long hair was not his thing, he let it grow.

Sakura used to enjoy having long hair after all.

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