We're The Powers

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Heyyyyyyy guys and girls!!
I am starting this story right about now......
Wish me Luck!!!
Trinngg! Trinngg!
Ughhh!Who the heck invented Mondays?I am going to tie that person to a chair with my own hands and then make him listen to nails being scratched on a metallic surface for four hours.I hate Mondays.I hate days in general.I love my sleep.Period
Yupp..it's me.Aria Megan Powers at your service.My best friend,Sam(Samantha)and I are now seniors at Lakeville High and it's not that I hate school,I just don't like its existence in my life.Ehhhhh...

Today marks the first day at school after our break and I am officially a senior now.Yay!Not really.

I went downstairs and found my lovely mom cooking us breakfast.Mmmm!Bacon and eggs are for Life!

"Stop drooling,Aria!You eat Bacon and eggs everyday.How?Don't you get bored?",said my brother,Mike.

Though he is married,he and Andrew come to our house for their meals because neither can cook to save their butts.It's easy for the, too, because they bought the house next to ours and Andrew drops me at school everyday considering he is my Math teacher.I know,Math!But he somehow makes it interesting enough for me not to fail.Andrew drives with us as Lakeville High is the neighbour of Lakeville Primary School.Mike is a teacher at Lakeville Primary School.

"Good Morning, everybody.",said my Dad as he walked down the stairs in his suit and boot.Him being a Mayor does not affect our family time.He makes time for all of us and it's safe to say that I am his favourite child.Yay!

He hugged  Mom and sat down to eat his toast.Though Mom,being the Head doctor,has to work for hours throughout the day,she never forgets a single thing of ours.I love my Mom.

I am a good student though I don't have straight A's.I have a 3.5 GPA which is good enough for me!

I glance at the clock and see it is quarter to eight.Time to go to hell!Oops.... I'm sorry (not),I meant school.

Andrew and I dropped Mike off on the way and proceeded towards the Teacher's parking lot.

"Hey Aria, meet you in the class.If you have any plans after school just text me,okay?",Andrew said and started walking towards the school.

"Heyyyyyyy girl, whatcha doin'?"This could only be the one and only,Sam.
She pulled me into a bear hug suffocating me.When she finally left me,I was gasping for breath.That girl defines bear hugs,I tell you.

"Sam,I saw you yesterday.We went shopping at the mall for four freakin' hours....my legs are killing me!"

"Can't a girl miss her bestie?Huh?Am I that unimportant to you?"Sam pouted.

I smiled at her antics and slung my arm around her neck.The bell rang signalling start of our official school year.

"Shoot! We're late....Better get going."
We reached the class just in the nick of time.Ms.Winters glanced at us dissaprovingly.

"It's your first day after break and you couldn't come early to class?Take your seats Ms.Powers and Ms.Mendez."That old hag!

We sat in our usual seats,by the window, at the front of the classroom.

Just then a boy entered the class.He has to obviously be new otherwise I would have known who he was.
Perks of being a Lakeville Sweetheart!

"You are late,Mr.Daniels."

"Sorry.Got lost while coming here."

His voice seemed familiar.Where had I seen him?
Just then,he took off his hood.
"You!"I exclaimed.
Heyyyyyyy guys and girls!
It's me!You know what to do.
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Love from India.

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