I parked in the driveway, noticing that the lights were off in the house. I snuck in through the front door and quickly made my way to my room. I grabbed my always-ready duffel bag and headed back for the front door.

I heard the garage door click and swing open. Adrian walked in, looking depressed. My heart went out to him, and then I remembered what he did. His head turned up but I was too fast for him. I was out the door before he got a full glimpse of me. But he knew it was me because he ran after me, calling my name. I jumped into my car as Adrian reached the front door. I stepped on the gas, reversed out of the driveway and sped away. In the rearview mirror, I watched as Adrian ran out into the middle of the road, trying to run after my car.

“Tanya!” he shouted. I nudged the accelerator, pushing the car to move faster. After a few wild turns, I parked in Estelle’s driveway, leaping out of the car moments after putting shutting it down. I stomped up the path to her house and rang the bell.

“Tanya!” a voice shouted, pulling open the door. “Could you let go of the bell? We’re all getting a heading in here.”

Estelle glared at me, but when she saw my expression, she softened up.

“Come on in, Leah’s here too.”

Estelle led me up to her room where I plopped face forward on the bed. When I finally looked up, I saw Estelle and Leah exchanging wary looks.

“Tanya, we know you and Adrian had a fight today and all, but you really need to talk to him. You didn’t see how horribly upset he was after you left. He refused to stop messaging and calling you,” Estelle said.

“Yeah, I know. I got all seventy-three of them,” I mumbled.

“Look, sweetie, whatever he did, I think you can forgive him,” Leah soothed. She sat on the edge of the bed and patted my head. “I’ve never seen anyone as worried and depressed as he was today.”

I mumbled something incoherent into the blankets. I the bed shift as Estelle sat down near me. I couldn’t help the tears that pricked at my eyes when I finally looked up.

“I don’t think forgiving him is the problem,” I blubbered through my tears.

“Aw, honey, what is it then?” Estelle cooed. I would have laughed at her had I not been leaking tears.

“He lied to me. He’s been lying to me for two years now. I don’t think I can trust him anymore,” I mumbled.

Estelle and Leah exchange another look, this time incredulous.

“Two years!” they exclaimed. I nodded.

“Whether you can learn to trust him or not, at least forgive him, or try to,” Leah advised. “I don’t think either of you are handling this situation very well. Both of you are hurting yourselves over this and it’s not good for you. It’s only the first day and you’re already broken.”

“And Adrian is almost irreparable,” Estelle added. A sob escaped my mouth and the two of them hurried to comfort me. I let myself cry silently into the blanket. My heart ached from the deceit.

Ian told me Adrian had only looking out for me, and he was right. But the fact that Adrian had been fighting against me and helping me at the same time was hurtful. He could have stopped me from killing all those people if he’d tried to help me much earlier. Adrian let me wallow in the guilt, he let me continue killing and hurting others but he did nothing to stop it. It didn’t matter anymore that he tried to help me indirectly. It didn’t even seem like he was planning on helping me until his boss, Parker, decided that I was a threat to be destroyed.

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