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Elsa died peacefully In her bed her body could no longer take the pain of cancer. as her Left Spirit her body there was a beep and she was gone. She is now in a better place. She died Precisely at four in the morning. When the hospital Called her house her mother fell to the ground and cried while dad held her. She kept saying not my baby girl not my baby girl. When they when to the hospital to see her blue pale body I was already gone for two hours. They left Emily Brian and Wyatt at the neighbors house. When they got back mom went to here room and stayed there for weeks. Dad had to do everything but he drank his troubles away. At my. Funeral They put me in a pale blue casket and put me in a Elegant dress in the color of purple. My sister Does not speak because she is sad. Brian is shy and hates going to the hospital and Wyatt is still Wyatt. They bring in food lots of food to my family but it only gets picked at When eating supper. They take. Barely Five bites. My mom is a living skeleton er job because she never comes in any more she just lay's in bed looking at the ceiling all day. Her job wasn't really a real job it was a short a job you take up when you can't to afford to pay your bills with the job you got so you have to work to jobs. She only worked one father on the other hand worked two. If you are confused I have been dead for Quite awhile. I hate seeing my family waste away to nothing but what can I do. I'm some were no hate mail can reach me and now I know who sent me it. It was no other than the popular mackenzie Stall the person who owns hafe the town that's how much money she had. She was mortified about My death it almost killed her because she realized she was mean to some one who had cancer of the stomach. I had a fun life and always lived life to the fullest. But now I'm dead what can a dead girl due. I was only 17 when I died they said I died young but when you have cancer you want to be done with it so I guess I got my wish. Don't cry because of my story I'm not worth it. I'm see a tunnel with my grandma at the end of it I walk up to her and she welcomes my in open arms.

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