CHAPTER 5: Tell me, Truth or Tell me Lies

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It took me awhile to actually manage a dagger. I knew there wasn't much to it. I had handled kitchen knives ever since my childhood days. But to actually deliver a fatal was difficult to maneuver myself in doing those...particular movements.

"Now, remember. Focus on the target, sis."

I paid attention. I paid meticulous concentration on the details of things. It was easy to maneuver myself afterwards. Still, killing wasn't something I was comfortable with at any position. 

"Okay, that's good."

Iven was a cool teacher. He showed me basic stuff and it was easy to follow him because of his carefree nature. I liked him. More so after Nahariel's words.

It wasn't his fault. It never would be.

The truth was the truth. We fell apart. We didn't talk afterwards. We were done for.


I snapped to reality and my eyes expanded thousand-fold when I saw the dagger stuck on the bull's eye. Iven was clapping and so were some spectators. But there was no clap or encouraging hoots from the person I wanted to hear it from the most.

Why did he have to be Nahariel Everbleed? Why couldn't he just be...Zariel?

"Great job!"

I smiled wryly before going back to retrieve my dagger for another hundredth attempt. No sooner my hand touched the hilt, my eyes saw darkness and I drowned.

Freaking perfect!

I was yet again inside the same mental cave. The white room...the broken pieces...everything was familiar. But, this time I saw someone I hadn't seen before. 

"Hello, Darling."

My eyes wanted to pop out of my sockets while I ogled the woman I hadn't gotten enough time to know. The one person whose death left a dent on my conscience forever...


Her smile grew but it never reached her eyes.

"Do you remember what I had said to you before leaving outside that night?"

I remembered. The falling debris...the smoke...the angry fire...the woven pentacle...

"You never did tell me who it was."

Mum smiled and we sat down on the ground facing each other inside a circle. The circle flared to life with all elements appearing at their places and in the center appeared a candle. No sooner, the endless white was replaced by inky black, sole illumination being the candle. 

"It was necessary since I didn't have enough time, Naiel."

I took in her expression. The same glow of fire was making her look radiant like the sun. The same fire which had the honor of consuming her body.

"How did I get this power?"

I asked hesitant. Her smile faded and her face drained of color. She sighed and began a tale of considerable mystery. A tale so bizarre it could only belong to our ancestors. 

"Isda Isidor. Our 'power' as you call it, originated from her, as you already know. She passed it down to us through generations upon generations. Only a female heir inherited her soul and that female was special."

Of Truth and Lies: Vampire Witch Romance Novella 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now