Chapter 4

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Blake was outside, taking care of the horse from the night before. The front was covered in snow for everyone to enjoy, especially a footstool dog named Zwei.  As Blake brushed the horse, and gave him a carrot, she was enjoying the time. Then, Zwei raced through the snow, and jumped on Blake. Blake did fall, but wasn't hurt, she fell in snow, and Zwei jumped on her. She didn't mind because he wasn't a real dog.

Yang was standing on the porch, looking at the girl. The way the snow glisten made Blake look even more beautiful to Yang. She couldn't help but stare for Yang, she could look at the girl forever, as Blake's beauty was drawing her in. "You like what you see?" Sun asked, looking at Yang with a sly grin. Yang's face went red, redder than her eyes when she's angry. She quickly hides her face.  "We all saw what happened last night, you wouldn't happen to be falling for this beautiful girl are you?" Yang took her face out of hiding, looking at sun. "I mean, can you blame me, look at her. She's nice, gentle, calming, smart, and beautiful. She hits everything on my list, and doesn't stray from who she is." Yang said, her gaze going back to the woman. She looked at her now bandaged arm, and let out a large sigh. "I have never felt this way about someone." She looked back at Blake, "I want to do something for her, but don't know what". She thought for a moment, same with sun. Then Neptune came out of nowhere, "I know something she would love"

Later that day, Yang and Blake are walking down the hall, Yang was excited, she had the perfect gift for Blake. As Yang was leading, they arrive at a door. "Ok, now, close your eyes" Yang's said, smiling. Blake just looked at her, crossed her arms, and gave her a playful 'why should i trust you' look. "It's a surprise, just close them". Blake closed her eyes, and Yang waved her hand in front of her face. Yang grabbed Blake's hands to lead her inside. Because her head was turned she didn't see the blush Blake had when she grabbed her hands. When Yang let go, her blush went away, and she was a bit sad, but then, could feel the sun on her face, and the room got brighter. Yang had opened the curtains to let the light fill the room. "You can open your eyes now." Blake open her eyes to see a huge library. Booked selves from the floor to the ceiling, filled with books, not an empty space on a shelf.  She Couldn't believe what she was seeing. " you like it?" Yang asked, holding her hands together waiting for her answer. "YES, OF COURSE!" Blake exclaimed, smiling and couldn't stop. "Then, it's yours" Yang said, hands now behind her back. A smile on her face the girls excitement. Blake grabbed Yang's hands, "Thanks you she said" then hugged her. Yang hugged back, and blushed a bit.

The next day, Blake and Yang where sitting and eating together. something they don't really do. Blake started to eat, and looked up to see Yang, she wasn't very graceful when t cam to eating. she had food all over her face. Black laughed at the sight. Yang had noticed that Blake was staring at her, um, not so polite table manners, she was used to eating alone. Yang Blushed, and brought the bowl down back to the table. Blake just lifted up her bowl, signaling for Yang to do the same. Yang did as Blake did and they started to sip their meal. After that, Blake led Yang outside, to feed the birds. Yang held out her hands, and Blake put bird seed in them. Yang's bent down to feed the birds, they started to jump over but flew away as Yang pushed her Hands out further. Yang's walks closer to the birds again, and repeated the same actions. The birds flew away, and Blake quickly came over and sat next to yang. She took a bit of seed out of Yang's hands and made a small trail leading to Yang. One small bird, followed the trail into Yang's hands.Soon more birds covered Yang, as she looked back over at the girl. She enjoyed Blake's company, and didn't want to separated from her. She also liked the fact that Blake didn't get scared of Yang anymore, and could be touching her, and be fine. Blake got up, and went over to a tree, and the small bird on her finger flew away. As Blake looked back at Yang, Yang noticed something different from how she usually looked at her.

Blake saw Yang looking at her, and quickly went behind the tree. A huge blush appeared on her face. This was new, she didn't understand. She couldn't understand her own emotions. Yang wasn't exactly prince charming like in her books, but, she didn't have to be. Blake looked at Yang again who was covered in even more birds. something scared them, and they flew away. Yang was proud of herself, she had never done something like that, she looked over at Blake to see what she thought. Yang was then met with a snowball to the face. She wiped it off, and saw Blake laughing. Yang gathered snow, into a huge snowball, but when she tried to throw it, it slipped out of her hand, and hit her in the head aain, making Yang fall for a chang. She got up, looked at Blake, who ran for the tree again, Yang soon to chase. They ran around the tree for a bit before Blake ran somewhere else, throwing the ecatinol snowball at Yang. After a bit, the Came back inside. Yang took Blakes coat off, and Blake sat by the warm fire. Blake started to read to Yang, who actually enjoyed it. They sat like that for hours. Sun, Pyrrha, Neptune, and Ruby where in the doorway, they had been watching them all day. "yes, there is definitely something there now" Sun said, clearly excited. "What's there?" Ruby asked. "Oh don't worry about it" Pyrrha said.

Neptune had gathered the entire castle, the brooms, the chairs, the dusters, th coat racks, ect. "Ok, we have 35 hours, 34 minutes, and 12 seconds, to get this placed clean, they will dance, and fall in love. And we, become human again." everything cheated, excited to be human again.

Yeah, i'm lazy, what ya gonna do? Also, i'll leave this here for now. Break i needed gonna take.

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