Power comes with insanity. Or voices in your head.

Începe de la început

It was none of his concern.

He simply activated his Raikiri and obliterated the man. It was all too easy. The Iwa-nin has immediately stopped arguing with his partner in favour of launching an avalanche towards Kakashi, but Kakashi was quicker and have more motivation to kill, thus the man stood no chance. The scent of Obito's blood triggered a mad bloodlust he didn't know existed within him—a form of hatred that he didn't know he was capable of feeling—but he didn't care.

Was this what Sasuke felt when he lost his family?

Was this the hatred and anger that drove Madara insane?

Was this the pain and anger that broke his Obito when Rin died?

Kakashi didn't know. He didn't want to stop and think about it.

He has lost that boy twice.

He wasn't going to lose Obito for the third time.

His lips curled behind the mask as a deep snarl tore from his throat. Cold lightning flickered back to life in his hand and he turned around to end the last Iwa-nin.

(Obito was bleeding to death in the hands of the enemy and Kakashi wanted to protect him, so he needed to kill kill kill kill kill—)

"Don't fall for it, idiot."

Kakashi stopped.

Kyuubi? He called back, hoping that by chance that the fox was stuck inside his mind and maybe he wasn't so alone—

The voice in his head didn't reply.

Kakashi waited, and when the silence persisted, he laughed—mad and unhinged—finally submitting to the dark thoughts that have been haunting him ever since he was sent here. Of course. Of course he would always end up alone. His mother died. His father died. His teammates died. His teacher died. His pseudo-elder sister died. Even his students were not immune to be the victims to his bad luck.

He was destined to be alone.

Whoever that he ended up loving would die.

Kakashi drove his lightning-encased hand towards the trembling Iwa-nin.


He stopped, merely inches from the woman's chest, the red of his eyes faded upon seeing the green glowing hue of chakra from her hands that hovered above Obito's torn body. The Iwa-nin was sobbing, yet the flicker of her chakra didn't waver, steadily closing the tattered chunk of Obito's torso.

"Please," she croaked, looking up to meet his mismatched gaze with tear-glazed eyes. "Kill me after he is stable."

Kakashi blinked, the strange rage within him subsided as the confusion arisen. He allowed his lightning to fade but did not let his guard down by one bit. He simply stood there, staring numbly at the way Obito's right arm was hanging off his shoulder with measly strings of muscles that connected the tattered limb. Obito's right leg was in a similar predicament, torn and twisted so grotesquely that amputation would have been a mercy by this point. Kakashi watched in awed confusion when the Iwa-nin worked on Obito. The woman was attempting to stop the bleeding without care of her depleting chakra reserve, although it didn't do much to help.

Kakashi only interfered when the worst of the bleeding has been reduced as the woman's eyelids struggled to remain open.

He caught her into his arms before she collapsed onto Obito's broken form.

"Why?" he asked, voice quiet as he laid her to rest on the ground.

Why heal an enemy? Why go to this extent?

God Damn It, Kyuubi!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum