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      "I apologize, your debut has been cancelled."

Nayeon felt her whole world crash down on her. She couldn't believe it. Disappointment, dismay and sadness rushed through her. Their debut had been set, why the sudden cancel? She immediately looked over to Jihyo and Jeongyeon. She couldn't help but think maybe the company felt they weren't capable enough. Weren't talented enough. Tears rose up her eyes as she saw how broken her friends looked.

"We wanted to push it further a few years and hopefully have more trainees debut with you three." The pd explained.

The girls simply nodded, not wanting to say anything back in fear of choking on their tears. They were dismissed. As the door closed behind them, they headed to the practice room. Down the hallway, Nayeon finally broke down in tears as she crouched down to the floor.

"I-I... we," she choked up, unable to put her words together.

Jeongyeon pulled Nayeon up and the three girls huddled in a group hug.

"It-it'll be fine. You heard pd nim. Just few more years. We must hold on." Those were the only words Jeongyeon can say to comfort each other. Jihyo couldn't say anything. Nayeon felt sad and guilty. Her fellow friend had been a trainee for almost 10 years and here again, she can't debut.

"I-I know, but still," Nayeon began. "This is my fault."

Obviously it is. You know your vocals lack in comparison to Jihyo and Jeongyeon. Your voice constantly cracks. And your dance— it's weak and even worse with your left leg. You can barely do anything and you're the oldest. The only thing you can do best is being a burden. You-

"Nayeon unnie, stop. It's not your fault. It's no one's fault." Jihyo finally spoke up.

"Jisoo's right. Now cheer up, least we know we will definitely debut so let's work hard for few more years," Jeongyeon comforted. "Let's go practice more."

"Yea...," Nayeon nodded. "But please let me go out real quick. I want some air, that's all."

"Ok, be careful. Be back by 4 though okay?" Jeongyeon said.

"Yea okay thanks guys. See you guys later." Nayeon flashed a reassuring smile and walked out the building. Thankfully on her way out she didn't bump into any of her trainee friends.

She allowed her feet to take her wherever. She kept walking until she arrived at a convenience store further away from the company. Nayeon bought a sausage and sat outside in an isolated spot. As she was chewing away the whole situation that just occurred earlier replayed in her mind. Tears built up again. Self-degrading thoughts filled her mind yet again. She sniffed and the tears finally fell.

What if pd nim was lying when he said we will debut?What if he was just saying that then when time comes it never comes? I need to start practicing hard. Real hard to stop being a burden. I need to improve and deem myself the artist I strive to be.

Self comforting thoughts and determination rushed through her as well and her emotions were all mixed and a mess. Her mind was in shambles with her sadness, sudden motivation, self comfort and degrading. Tears continue falling although she wasn't as sad as before. It's like she doesn't have control of her tears

"Are you alright miss?"

Her head snapped back at the sudden voice. Her eyes met with a masked man with his eyes full of worry.

"If you feel bad you can talk to me if you want. I'll listen to you, I'm free at this time."

"I-I'm good. J-just, um uh-"

She didn't know how to reply. Part of her didn't want this sudden stranger here to see her embarrass herself and the other half wants someone to talk to. Even if it meant a stranger. Typically, that would be dangerous but she, for some reason, felt some sort of safety from him. That he is a good person and does not have bad intentions towards her.

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