Krum X Kristoff

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Kallie was walking back towards me and Luna, we'd already got through the awkwardness of her essentially being my beard which, to be fair to her, was a lot less awkward than I had assumed it would be. I hadn't even brought it up until I saw her staring at a Hogwarts student which had made it painfully obvious that she did not like me either. She'd had the confidence to tell me about her crush and a small part of me thought I should return the favour. However, unlike her crush- a realistically attainable crush- my crush seemed like a completely unrealistic aspiration of a crush.

Krum. Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian quidditch player, Durmstrang student and absolute hunk. Unlike the weird ginger Kallie had pointed out, Krum had every girl's eyes on him. Every girl's eyes... And my eyes, my poor, heartbroken, gay eyes.

I hadn't exactly been staring at him, just watching him and somewhere in the last three hours I had come to the realisation I would never have him. And, for some unknown reason to those around me, tears began to gather in my eyes. He was dancing with a Hogwarts girl, Kallie said it was Hermione Granger and I had assumed she was just as under his spell as every other girl was; however, I can now see her crying on the steps of the staircase.

"Was it a boy?" I smile softly at her, sitting down beside her.

"Yes, you?" she looks up at me, her eyes flicking to my own, noticing my own tears.

"Same here." I nod to her and sit beside her, "Krum?"

"No, a stupid friend." she shrugged, "Krum's nice, not really my type nor is he interested. He's got his eyes on someone else," Hermione surprises me as a giggle escapes her lips as tears continue to roll down her cheeks, "Krum said he was going to ask his boy to the ball but, you know Viktor, not very good with words."

"H-he likes a boy?" I ask, confused by the man I thought I knew, "He's not as straight as a ruler?"

Hermione scoffs, "As straight as an over-used flexible ruler. Viktor Krum is no more straight than you are." I go to protest about my own supposed straight-ness but the knowing smile on Hermione's face suggests it's not worth the effort.

"I don't believe that about him." I shrug as her eyes wander to the door of the Great Hall.

"Speak of the devil," she giggles and winks to me, "Hello, Viktor, I've been having a conversation with your favourite boy."

"Not my favourite boy." the Bulgarian seeker says bluntly before turning to face me and looking me over, "не. любимият ми." (No. My favourite.)

Hermione and I stare at him, both of us unable to speak Bulgarian, realising this Krum quickly translates for the both of us; and, as always, the big hunk was as blunt as a circle.

"So he is your favourite?" Hermione smirks, standing up to watch us.

"Yes." I blush as that word leaves his lips.

"Tack så mycket?"(Thank you so much?) I mumble, staring at the floor, not really believing the guy I never talk to outside my potions class, "Well, I should probably go to bed, you two have a good night." I smile to them and turn around, walking away from the other two and towards my warm bed.

"Good night Viktor." I hear Hermione behind me as I reach the door, ready to step out into the freezing air of the Hogwarts' courtyard.

"Kristoff!" a voice speaks from behind me and a hand grabs my arm, preventing me from leaving the building, "I'd like to dance with you. Now."

"O-oh erm, okay," I reply, confused and taken aback by the bluntness of the Bulgarian.

"Good." he takes my hand and leads me back into the Great Hall while I try to ignore the butterflies in my stomach when he wraps his arms around me and kisses my forehead, "Thank you."

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