Lola Volkov (Yuri!!! on Ice)

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the photos shown, all credit to the original artists

"On the path to greatness, life teaches you to walk with stones in your shoes."

Get last name translates to Wolves, and in the wild, a Wolf is known to chew off its own leg to escape death, and that is one way to describe Lola Volkov, Russia's Lone Wolf on Ice.

Growing up an only child with a father who could never be impressed and a mother who was always quick to quit, Lola didn't have much support when it came to her interests, especially her love of figure skating. However, she never gave up and eventually was hand picked to be taught by Yakov Feltsman, the coach of both Viktor Nikiforov and Yuri Plisetsky, the latter of whom she became best friends with as she and Yuri shared similar home lives.

Lola had always dreamed of becoming a world champion, and in her childhood, it seemed like a very possible goal.


The day she and Yuri were practising alone, and Lola landed a difficult move, a backwards flip landing on one foot, she injured her ankle and was rushed to the hospital later that night as the bone in her ankle had been shattered to pieces.

She was told she would never skate again, and slowly she disappeared from that world.

But like the lone wolf caught in a snare, she decided to risk permanent damage to be able to continue to skate, and to get herself back into Yuri's life, which she does after the events of the Grand Prix Final where Yuri won.

She is still determined to become the best female skater in the world, and hides her pain from everyone, even though she knows that one wrong landing could force her off the ice forever.

Lola is smart and sarcastic, but cares deeply for those who are close to her

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Lola is smart and sarcastic, but cares deeply for those who are close to her. She sees Viktor and Yuuri almost like parental figures, while she hides her true feelings for Yurio behind a confident facade. She loved the Russian Tiger, but is so scared to get her feelings crushed that she hides how she feels, only showing those hidden feelings when she is preforming on the ice.

She has very long brown hair and striking ice blue eyes. Her skin is pale like porcelain, and her appearance seems more like that of a doll than a real person.

Now just basic information for RPs:

Name: Lola Volkov

Age: 15

Looks: Pale porcelain like skin, very long brown hair and ice blue eyes.

Personality: Confident, sarcastic, can be a bit mean spirited with people she doesn't know, but cares deeply for those close to her

Weakness: Jumps and her injured ankle

Strengths: Her performance and confidence, and her secret backwards flip that lands on one foot.

Crush: Yurio

Close Friends: Yuuri and Viktor, Mila

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