Ariel Carter (Free! Dive to the Future)

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Disclaimer: I don't own the photos shown, all credit to the artists

"Don't practice until you get it right. Practice until you can't get it wrong"

if there was every one word to describe Ariel carter, it would be


An international exchange student from London England, Ariel Carter started at Hidaka University at the same time as Haru, Makoto and Mia, quickly becoming close friends with Mia.

Ariel is a world champion synchronized swimmer, and it seems as though Ariel is perfect at everything she does, also being a singer and dancer, using those skills in her swimming routines.

However, Ariel's parents are cold and strict, expecting each of their children to be champions in one aspect or another. With Ariel being the oldest of 6 children, the pressure is even more intense from her parents, as she sets the example for her siblings, no matter how much older she is than them.

Regardless of her family pressures, Ariel is kind and loving, always being charismatic and up for trying new things. being outgoing and confident, she balances out Mia's sometimes cold and shy personality, making them the perfect friends.

She started swimming competitively in the individual medley with Mia, who she taught how to preform synchronized swimming in exchange for learning freestyle swimming in order to impress Haru

Ariel just recently became the girlfriend of Haru at the end of Dive to the Future, although, her close friendship with Albert Volandel, being childhood friends, could bring up some issues in the future.



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Name: Ariel carter

Age: 19 (Or the same age as Mia, Haru and Makoto lol!)

Height: 5'5

Looks: Red hair, very long, Green eyes, pale skin

Personality: kind and caring, confident and outgoing, doesn't like to speak about her personal life very much

Strokes: Synchronized swimming, or freestyle

Relationships: Haru (boyfriend), Mia and Albert (best Friend), Makoto, Rin, Asahi, Kisumi, Hyori, Ikuya (friends)

Other info: Seems to be perfect at anything she tries. Often gets called the Little Mermaid due to her name and red hair.

Theme Song:

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