My Memories

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My Memories


            I walked into my room and sat by the window, I held my staff tight in my hands. All my memories were in here. All my past life lives in this staff. I sigh, Elsa, I know you can hear me. I just want you to know I’ll be late. I promise I’ll explain when I get home. I love you. I think to Elsa, knowing she’ll hear me. I close my eyes, okay here we go.


            My memoires came back fast and quick, starting with me dying, then being Jack Frost, being invisible for years, asking to join the Guardians, defeating Pitch then becoming the Guardian of Fun. But when I open my eyes, I was in a tree looking down at two little girls playing. One with red hair and the other with light blonde hair, I know I remember this. I watch as the girls go in the house, I can’t help but follow. I follow the girl with the light blonde hair up to her room. She sits on her bed and starts to play with one of her toys. I look around her room; she had dolls, princess and tons of stuff animals.

            “You can talk to me you know. I won’t hurt you.” I hear. I turn to the little girl, she just staring at me. “You can see me?” I ask shocked. She nods, “Why wouldn’t I?” She asks while she still plays with her doll. “A lot of people can’t see me. I think you’ll be the only one who can.” “So you’re like my secret friend?” She asks. “If that’s what you want. Yeah.” She nods and looks at her doll. “Why did you follow me in to my room?” She asks not looking at me. “I don’t know, maybe because you’re like me?” She looks up, “Like you?” I smile and make a snow frost bunny, we watch as it bounces around the room. Her baby blue eyes shine as she watches. “Wow… I can’t do that! I can only make it snow and make snowmen.”

            “You’ll get there when you’re older.” I say with a smile. She smiles back, “What’s your name?” “Jack Frost. What’s yours?” I ask as I sit by her on the bed. “Elsa Winter.” “Elsa, that’s a beautiful name. How old are you?” She hands me a doll to play with her, I should but I can’t help it. “I’m ten. I’ll be eleven though in a few months. How old are you?” She asks as she hands me a brush. “Eighteen.” She didn’t have to know I was eighteen when I died. “You remind me of my sister Emma.” I say with sadness in my voice.

            “Was she my age or Anna’s age?” Elsa asks. “Who’s Anna?” I ask back brushing the dolls hair; Elsa was giving me a look because I wasn’t brushing the dolls hair. “She’s my sister. She doesn’t have powers like me. She’s only seven.” I smile, “Emma was ten when I last saw her, she’s much older now.” Elsa looks up at me with her big eyes, “Did you two get into a fight?” “No, I just had to leave. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you when you get older.” I say. She nods and keeps brushes her dolls hair till we hear a knock at the door. “Elsa?” The door opens and I see an older version of Elsa, but she has brown hair and it’s up in bun, this must been their mother. “Elsa my love, it’s time for bed.” She walks up to Elsa and puts her in bed. “I love you baby.” Her mother says and kisses her on the forehead. “Love you too mother.”

            Her mother smiles and walks out the door. Elsa looks at me, “Will you stay the night and lay with me?” She asks. “Sure, why not.” I lay next to her till she falls asleep, that night; I knew I had to protect this girl. No matter what.

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