God Blessing

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Saiki couldn't believe this, out of everyone to stay at his house it had to be Teruhashi.  It gave him a headache just thinking about how troublesome this was so Saiki retired to his room.  He didn't want to accept the fact that Teruhashi was staying the night and his mother prancing around like a schoolgirl wasn't helping.

It was funny cause the real highschool girl was acting calm and composed but internally she was having a mental crisis.

"I'm going to be sleeping in the same house as Saiki".

"Where is Saiki"?

"Is he in his room".

"Is he asleep"?

"What does he look like when he is sleeping".

"Should I go take a peak".

First off Saiki was alarmed out how far this girl would go to see her crush and second Saiki did not want to interact with her anymore so sending a quick mental message Saiki said, "he's probably really tired."  Thinking she thought that Teruhashi began walking down the stairs making her way back to the couch, "probably for the best, I don't want to accidentally wake him up" she thought.

Saiki sighed, finally with that crisis out of the way he could retire to the confines of his bed where he would stay for the rest of the night.

"Saiki", "Saiki". A voice called to him from the shadows. "You must awaken". The voice said with a slight hint of joy in its voice. "You must awaken to receive my gift". The voice said with promise in his voice before finally shouting "AWAKEN KUSUO SAIKI".

Saiki quickly jolted up from his bed that he was comfortably laying on and stood up to see himself in the mirror sweating from the dream he had just had. "What gift". The psychic said feeling distraught and confused. Then the door flung open to reveal his mother wailing at Saiki to get up and out of bed before realizing he was already out of bed.

"Ku, come down stairs when your ready". The kind hearted mother said with a smile on her face. "Breakfast is almost ready". The kind lady shut the bedroom door and returned down stairs to the kitchen to finish setting the table.

Saiki, seeing no point in waisting his time on a dream got dressed and went down to the kitchen. Little did the psychic know that the person who was making the meal was none other than Teruhashi herself. "Ku, sit down and get ready to eat the best food you have ever tasted".  When the psychic entered the room he was shocked to see a Angel infront of him. It wasn't natural.  Usually he would see her face then straight to her organs and bones, but now he didn't see through anything. When he sat down he didn't see through the table to his knees or when he looked at his mother he didn't just see blood, bones and veins. The psychic was baffled on how he lost his x-ray vision, before he thought of his dream. Did he get his powers taken away. The psychic quickly bolted for the bathroom and slammed the door behind himself and he started trying all his abilities.

All of his powers were still there and they didn't seem out of the ordinary except his X-ray vision. Saiki returned to the table to see a delicious breakfast infront of him with bacon perfectly crisp and pancakes cooked to perfection.

Saiki couldn't help but eat the food as it looked amazing but as soon as he took the first bite he winced.

The cook saw Saiki's shock and started questioning her own cooking skills. "What was that look, does he not like my cooking". Right after the oni mother shot her son a look that could kill before Saiki told his mother "I wasn't expecting it to taste this . . . . . extravagant".

(Saiki x Teruhashi) When A Angel Falls For A GodWhere stories live. Discover now