Chapter 5

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Selena's P.O.V

"Finally!," I say with grin as I look back at my computer. It's a beautiful Sunday night and I am currently sitting in my room, on my bed actually, near my open window as the setting sunlight shone throughout my room. I sighed as I picked up a thin piece of paper that was sitting on my bed and smiled as I crossed out the last assignment that was written on it.  I then crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it into the trash bin "Goal!!," I playfully as my phone blares. 

I pick up my phone and frown, scrunching up my eyebrows as I got pop up notification from Whatsapp. I clicked the notification as it opens up to an empty chat. I look up to read the name the person who sent me the text and roll my eyes. It was a new group. I sighed at I read the name of the chat. 'Business Communication 2k19' it read as I chuckle. It was a class group. I smiled at the chat box and type in a quick 'Hello' with a wave emoji before hitting my home button and throwing my phone on my bed.

"Selena!," I hear a familiar voice call out as I jump off my bed and head towards the door. I place my hand on the silver door knob and twist it before throwing my door open. "Selena!," I hear the voice again as I sigh and walk out of my room to the staircase. I climbed down humming my favorite song as I hear the same voice calling my name again. I roll my eyes and giggle as I reach the ground floor and walk into the kitchen where my mum glared at me. 

"What?," I ask as I walk towards her as she was throwing in some salt into something that she was preparing for dinner. I then pick up the dirty dishes from the counter and place it on the sink before I jumped onto the counter.

My mum looked at me as I was sitting on the counter beside her as she fiddled away with her cooking cutlery. "How many times do I have to call you?," she asked me as I shifted my body slightly to reach for the apple that sat on the fruit basket behind me. I picked up the apple and took a bite of it as I chuckled

"You called me twice!," I smile as I chewed on the apple "Besides, I'm here aren't  I?," I say as he looks back at me while she rolls her eyes.

"You could at least have been fast!," she said, looking back at her dish.

"Mum!," I sighed "I was busy. I just finished my assignments," I say as she giggles "What?,"

"It's the second week and you're already frustrated?," she giggles and I glare at her "I called you for a reason," she says as she grabs the soy sauce beside her and poured a little into her dish

"I'll get used to it," I giggle with her as I smile "What is it?,"

My mum placed the soy sauce back in it's original position and looks back at me "Your Aunt Cynthia isn't feeling very well, so your dad and I were planning to pay her a visit," she tells me

"Really? what happened to her?," I ask as I took another bite of my apple

"she's nauseous and throwing up ," she laughs "I bet she's pregnant again,"

My eyes widen at her statement "Mum!. Don't jump into conclusions," I scold as she giggles "It must be food poisoning," I say as she rolls her eyes

"Aw come on!," she says as she gestures me to give her the cherry tomatoes beside me and I hand it to her "your Uncle Tom told me she had these awful mood swings and that she having weird cravings just like when she had your cousin James," she says

James is my only cousin brother, I'm lucky enough he is my age and he is more like a best friend to me since he convinced his parents to migrate from America  to Malaysia two years ago just so he can spend time with me. We were very close since we were kids and we would Skype each other very often . We actually met in one of my mum's cousin's wedding at America back when we were seven. It was my first time on a plane and man, was it scary!. James and me were always caught doing random mischiefs while our parents weren't looking and we have been best friends ever since. 

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