Part 2

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Gruesome parts start now 

When she returned, she had a toddler clinging to her hand, asking when he could have his candy.

"Go find a knife in the kitchen and come back here with it," I ordered, trying to mask my excitement. When she returned she asked me what she was to do with the knife. I thought for a moment. Where should I begin? There are so many possibilities. I decided to start with something small but significant. "Take hold of his hand. Mhmm, just like that. Now put the knife against the base of his thumb and cut it off." She looked nervous, almost as if she was second-guessing her loyalty. "What're you doing?" My voice hardened. I was becoming furious, she was supposed to do everything I said! She was supposed to be mine!

"I'm sorry, I'll... I'll do it." She began and he immediately started crying hysterically.

"Faster!" I yelled. She glanced up at me before obeying and pushing harder on the knife. The thumb fell to the floor with a wet plop and blood started gushing from the wound. "Now do the other thumb, and after that, do his forefingers." Plop, plop, plop the fingers went as they landed in the now blood covered floor.

The rush was amazing. I'd done many things with her before, but none of them had given me such a great feeling of power. The power I felt in those short moments was as loud as a thousand fireworks going off right beside me. The other instances being as quiet as mice in comparison.

I came to my senses and realized the boy was still crying and screaming. I knew the perfect way to shut him up forever.

"Go kneel behind him."

She did as she was told before she questioned, "What am I going to do next?"

"You'll see," I responded. "Now make him grab the knife and hold your hand over his. Think of it as teaching him how to cut something. Good, now grab his tongue." He started to cry even harder, which was a feat I thought would be impossible. He must have realized I was about to hurt him even more. "Hold it taut, it'll make it easier. Cut off his tongue." She started and I realized I hadn't been completely clear in what I wanted. "Wait! Stop! Saw his tongue, don't cut straight through. And make it slow. Drag it out as long as possible."

She started cutting and right away a shower of blood fell to the floor and didn't stop. He screamed his voice hoarse before promptly passing out. I could hear the soft sounds of the knife sliding through the squishy muscle. I stopped her before she could continue any longer. He had to be awake or it wouldn't work, it wouldn't give me what I so badly needed.

I slapped him hoping that would wake him up. It didn't so I slapped him again but harder. Once again, it didn't work.

"Give me the knife," I told Lucy. I held the knife in my hand for a few seconds, getting comfortable with the sticky blood that had flowed down and eventually dried on the handle. I held the tip of the knife against his cheekbone, slowly putting more pressure until I drew blood, then dragged down to his jaw. He woke with a scream. His half severed tongue hanging loosely from his mouth. "Start again, same as before."

She began, and the toddler tried to scream but all that came from his mouth were rough guttural moans. The tongue finally fell to the ground. It made a splash in the blood and sprayed everyone's legs. The boy tried speaking but couldn't say anything coherent.

"Kill the boy. Stab him in the heart. And when you're done, clean up this mess," I said referring to the blood-soaked floor. She stabbed him, and a serene emptiness filled the apartment. With a somber mood, I walked out of the house, knowing I would have to wait sometime before I could have my fun again.

It had been weeks since the last moment, and I needed it again. I slipped into the bathroom and replaced what she thought was a pill to stop her from hallucination, which was really just a sugar pill, with Lunesta, a drug known to cause hallucinations. My "drug" would be ready soon enough, and I was ready for the high. It had been too long.

The End


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