One more thing..please read!

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There are people in this world I know of who commited suiside or had thoughts to do it. No I don't and didn't know any of them personally, but I still know them or knew them. If you ever feel depressed or have suicidal thoughts DM me. I don't even need to know who you are. I will help you get through it. I know how it feels to have millions of friends but still feel alone, like everyone around you doesn't understand or care. Like the world around you has stopped and you are alone.

Don't kill yourself no matter what. There was this kid I kinda knew. He went to my school. One day I saw him....the next he was gone. Dead. All becuase of cyber bullying. Do you know how it feels like to know that someone died and you knew them alittle? Guys if you are being bullied in anyway, tell someone. A teacher, parent, or counsler. They will help you. If any of you dear readers need someone to talk to, even if you dont know me, DM me. I'll be there to talk you through it.

Dont fight this battle alone.

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