Chapter 1

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^Jane at the top^

Janes P.O.V

          I woke up to my alarm beeping loudly. It was a Tuesday morning and I had to get to work. I graduated school so I now work in a small cafe. It was 6 am and I still needed to make breakfast for my dad or else he would beat me. If I am lucky enough he might still be sleeping.

          I quickly got out of bed and went to my bathroom. It is connected to my room. Doing my business I brushed my teeth and did my hair into a cute french braid. Making sure to cover up my bruises with some make up. I dident want anyone to know I get beat. Yesterday was pretty bad. My dad was even more drunk then befor so I got twise the beating.

^Janes outfit^

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^Janes outfit^

          Most of the time I wear long sleeved shirts, because my arms are all in scars from the time my dad cut me. I tip toe down stairs. Seeing my dad is passed out on the couch.....again. I quietly and quickly make him some eggs and bacon. Looking at the clock I see im gonna be running late if I dont walk out soon.

          Walking quickly I make my way to work. Managing to be there on time. I walk in and bump into my manager. " Good morning Jane." " Good morning." I say and quickly put on my apron.

          I only work the breakfast shift then im off. I hear the door chime. Quickly making my way to the table, I see that it is a family of three. A mom, dad, and there daughter who looks to be about three. I smile at them. I feel something wrap around my foot. I look down to see the little girl smiling up at me.

           "hewol im ginger." The little girl says. At that moment I hear the foor chime but dont turn around. " Hi im jane." I say picking her up and twirling her around. She giggles. I put her back into her seat and look up at the parents. They are looking at me with shocked expressions.. " Im sorry I just couldnt resist. She is such a beautiful girl." I say smiling at the parents. " No its alright, its just all the restaurants we go to, the waiter always pushes her away." I smile once again and take there orders.

          After placing the orders, I walk over to the customers who just walked in. They look really hot. But once again I put my head down and walk over.

          "Hello I am your waiter Jane. What can I get for you guys?" There ars 3 guys. Two of whom look really buff but the third one looks even more stronger and buffer and seems to be there leader. " Look at me." I hear. But I keep my head low. I feel someone pick up my chin so that I am looking at them.

          "We would like 2 sodas, one coke one sprite and a water." Says the guy one the left. I write down there orders and go place them. While doing that I make sure to serve the ginger and her parents. When im done I hear the chime go off indicating the order was completed. I take the drinks and serve them to the men. But right when I was about to leave the guy in the middle grabs my arm.

          I pull away quickly and look down. When I look up again I see everyone in the restaurant staring at my arm with a schock expression. I look down to see my sleeve rolled up and my scars showing. Not knowing what to say or do I runout into the back of the cafe quickly grabbbing my stuff and running out into the streets. Right when im about to take a turn im stopped by the three men from the resturant.

Xanders P.O.V

          It was a normal tuesday morning. Well as normal as a feared gangleaders morning can get. I got dressed in plain jeans and a black shirt. After finishing up some paper work I decided to go out with my 2nd in compand, cole and my 3rd in comand, jake. We were all friends as well.

          I sent them a quick text tellin them to meet me at the car garage in 5 minutes. When we were all in the cars we drove out of my house or as some people like to call it, mansion.

          " So were should we go." Jake asked. " We could go to that small cafe on the corner of Jasper road." We decided on that. When we got there we parked and went into the cafe. People seemed to notice who we were cause alot of them stopped and stared. But there was this one girl. She dident seem to notice we came in because she was to busy talking with a little girl and smiling.

          The girl was beautiful but the way she interacted with the little girl was amazing. Every restaurant I go to the witnesses will always pull away from kids. But that girl was smiling and talking to her instead. She even swirled her in the air. When she was done the waitress placed the order and came over to my table.

          " Hello I am your waiter Jane. What can I get for you guys." She said in a quit voice looking down." Look at me." I said. She dident move but stayed silent instead. I pulled up her chin. " we would like 2 sodas. One sprite and one coke and a water." My 2nd in command said. After that I saw her walk away and place the order. And give the other family there order.

          After liks 5 minutes the girl Jane came back with our drinks. I grabbed her hand but she pulled away reveling her arm. It was all in scars and I could even see a word or two caved into her arm. She was confused for a second untill she realized what was going on. She quickly ran out grabbing her stuff on the way.

          Befor she can get to far, me and my buddies stopped her. " Whats going on?" I said in a serious voice.

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