Chapter 5

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It didn't take too long for Kana to find Pegasus this time around. Retracing the steps she and Kemo had taken earlier, she made it back to the formal dining room. She knocked the door, which was answered by a 'come in', and stepped inside.

"You mentioned breakfast?" Her stomach chose that time to rumble, an embarrassed blush rising to her cheeks.
Pegasus only chuckled. "I did. Take a seat, it will arrive shortly."
With a nod, Kana closed the door behind her and sat in the same seat she had only half an hour earlier. True to Pegasus' words, breakfast was soon placed before them. After picking a bowl of porridge and a cup of tea, Kana thanked the waiter and began to dig in.
Pegasus was silent until she had finished half the bowl, sipping on his own cup of tea. "Have you thought any further on your plans, having seen the talent on the island?"
The blonde paused in her eating, spoon halfway between the bowl and her mouth as she thought. "I think I'd like to go and watch one of Yugi's duels. He has to be a good duelist to defeat Kaiba, right?" Her questioning gaze turned to him, spoon slowly being lowered back to the bowl.
"You are correct." Pegasus put down his cup of tea, crossing his legs and resting his hands in his lap. "Yugi Muto is an impeccable duelist, I'm sure you won't be disappointed with any of his matches."

As the fireworks lit up the sky, a large screen dropped down from the ceiling. The voice of Kemo spoke up.
"Sir, the first arena has been activated."
Kana turned her attention from her now third cup of tea to the screen, watching absentmindedly as it flickered on and displayed the first match of the tournament.
"It appears that the first duel is beginning. How interesting."
The blonde barely registered the words of her host, finding herself too surprised at the sight of Weevil and - Yugi? He didn't look like Yugi, but the spiky tri-coloured hair said otherwise. Finally, she sat back in her seat, sipping at her tea before finding her voice.
"I'm surprised Yugi is the first match." Her words were quiet, "At the same time, I guess I shouldn't be."

"Duel!" The two exclaimed.
Weevil made the first move as the arena displayed their 2000 lifepoints. "Let's see how you like my killer needle."
Frowning at the card's 1200 attack points, Kana put the rest of her cup of tea back down to watch the match.

"You'll have to get through my mammoth graveyard first." Yugi played his card and the hologram came to life.
"That must be quite terrifying out there." Kana mused, glancing back to Pegasus.
"Indeed. Some will find the holograms and their realistic nature quite alarming." There was a cruel edge to Pegasus' smile.

"This massive monster will match your annoying insect point for point. Attack!"

"Killer Needle, let's show the mammoth your stinger. Attack!" 
Both monsters rushed forward, and Kana found herself waiting with bated breath to see the result. With both creatures having the same amount of attack points, it should be a tie. But when the bright light faded, Yugi's monster was gone and Weevil stood victorious, surprising her - and Yugi, if his expression was anything to go by. 
"Hah! Gone after one sting? He must be allergic! Have you begun to figure out yet why I led you all the way to this forest area? If you just look around, then you will see that this area is an exact replica of our surrounding environment. One part wasteland and one part forest. And who thrives in the forest? Bugs!

"The strongest, most powerful insects rule the forest. So as long as I play my bugs in the forest area, I get a field power bonus. I guess you just weren't listening when Pegasus said that this tournament would have exciting new surprises in store for us. Maybe if you were smart enough to steal the tournament's secret new rules like I did, you'd be getting the field power bonus instead of me!" 
Kana wanted to wipe the smug smile off Weevil's face as it was revealed that Killer Needle's attack points had risen to 1560.

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