Chapter 6

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One long shower and a short nap later, dressed in a grey trimmed crop top, shorts and trainers, Kana found herself tucking her deck into her back pocket and returning to the formal dining room. Pegasus was still in the same position as earlier; one leg crossed, hands resting on his lap, gaze fixed on the screen as though nothing else existed.

Taking her seat next to him, she cleared her throat. His attention snapped to her, judgemental gaze sliding over her outfit before nodding.
"I'll take it you plan on heading out soon?" He asked.
"I thought I might head out to Yugi's next match once I know where it is." She smiled, running her hands through her hair before tying it up into the bun that her classmates knew her for. "Did I miss much?"
"Hardly. As you suspected, Yugi found his way around the little regional champion," A soft smirk played on Pegasus' lips, "with a rather spectacular move if I do say so myself. Joey also played his first duel."
"Oh that's good for- wait," she looked up, "Joey? I knew he got onto the island but I wasn't aware he was a duelist."
"Yugi-boy split his starchips with him. I wouldn't normally allow this of course, but..." There was a sly grin on the older man's lips, "I wanted Yugi in this tournament. If that means bringing along his ragtag group of friends, then so be it."
"Well, alright then. Your call I guess." Looking up to the blank screen, Kana frowned for a moment. "How did Joey's duel go?"
"Not bad, considering it was his first official duel."
Kana hummed in answer as another cup of tea was poured for her. "Oh, thank you." As she took a sip, the blonde debated her next question. "I don't suppose we have any idea on when the next duel will be?"

As if on cue, the screen flashed to life once more, showing the two duelists on the arena. The first competitor began to speak.

"The playing field is split equally into two halves. One half is land, the other half is sea." 
Only upon seeing him did she recognise him. Mako Tsunami, an ocean duelist who took third place in the regional championships.
"And the stakes, Mako?" But that was a voice she knew well, meaning that this was Yugi's next duel.
"I wager two starchips on this match."
"Two stars."

Kana watched as both duelists put their starchips to the sides of their fields, and immediately abandoned her tea in favour of standing.
"Off so soon, Kana dear?" Mirth ran through Pegasus's voice upon seeing her rush to rise.
"I did say I wanted to see Yugi's next match. Do you know where that arena is?" The young woman tilted her head, waiting patiently for the information. Pegasus merely turned his gaze to his security guard.
"Arena 16, Ma'am. I'll have Kemo es-"
"Thank you!"

She was out of the room before Croquet could even finish his sentence.

Knowing Mako's style of dueling, Kana knew he'd be found on an arena by the water; and not just any water, but the ocean. At least that narrowed down her search.
It wasn't long before the sounds of a duel caught her attention, and she emerged from the forest to find exactly what she'd been looking for. There, just over the edge of the cliff, was Yugi and Mako's duel. What was definitely surprising were the large tentacles waving over Yugi's Feral Imp.
"Is that Mako's Fiend Kraken?" She asked as she came near to Yugi's friends.
"Wha-!" Joey startled, practically jumping a foot in the air before turning to face her. "Su! What are ya doin' here?"
Casually, Kana shrugged. "I came to see Yugi duel, what else?" Now, up close, her thoughts from the first duel came back to her.

Is that really Yugi? He's tall, much more courageous, and definitely not so puppy-like.

A frown marred her brow. It didn't seem to be bothering Joey, Tristan and Téa, so it shouldn't bother her.
"So, again, is that Mako's Fiend Kraken?" Sticking her hands into the front pockets of her shorts, Kana kept her gaze on the duel as Joey turned back to it.
"We're not sure what that thing is, Mako is keepin' all of his monsters under the water."
The woman hummed in response, knowing full well what Mako's tactic was.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2019 ⏰

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