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Hey Everyone, 

I realized that my story about a vampire and witch romance has truly made some impact on my beloved readers. Thanks for y'all's support (Savannah, Yanieboi, and LnDscripts). I have decided to put out a sequel to "Of Blood and Ice". It's going to be a ride. 

I think I have destroyed y'all precious vampire's heart a lot. It's time to repair the damage. Nahariel will finally have Isda (well not completely) and his heart will be repaired by this new romance novella. 

Hope y'all enjoy it 'cause I really love writing. Thanks so much for the support. 

P.S.: Vote and comment if you like this. I adore comments. 

Of Truth and Lies: Vampire Witch Romance Novella 2 ✔Where stories live. Discover now