You tell him

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Dear C/n,
Okay so I like you. I'm just gonna come right out and say it. I love talking to you even when it might just be a "hey Y/n, hi C/n". Or when you are playfully mean but at the same time I'm just as mean. Those snarky comments we say to each other- I just take all that in. I don't know what kind of girls you're into but you are what I like. You're kind and your the kind of friend I can just be mean to and you don't take it to heart. I really do like you and it's okay if you don't like me back like that. I'll take being your friend over not talking at all. I don't know if you think of our conversations the way I think of them but I really do like you and love love love talking to you. Whether that be in Spanish or class or in the hallway. Like I generally look forward to talking to you everyday and when we don't talk, I'm at home wondering why. I just wanted to let this all out.

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