Sleepy Call

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You and y/bf have been dating for a few months now.  You guys always always do this this right before you go to sleep.  You guys just talk on the phone.  Facetime is fun, but you guys liked it better to just have conversations with your phones resting on eachother.  

You called y/bf around 9:00 to stay up and talk to him.  You two always took turns talking about you days.

"Hey y/nnnn," he said stretching the name out, yawing.

"Hi y/bf/nnn," mocking him, "Tired babe?"

"Yeah.  I just got home from soccer practice and we had to run two miles." He expressed.

"Ohhh, I'm sorry.  That sucks.  Whatcha doin?" You asked.

" I feel like I just want to sleep.  I'm literally in bed right now.  Like not even my TV is on." He explained.

"Ohh.  Well I don't want to keep you up," You paused. "I guess I'll see you tommorrow." You said sincerely.  You didn't want to be responsibe for him being super tired in the morning.

"No, y/n.  Keep talking."

"I can let you go. Really, it's no probem."

"Y/nnn.  I like your voice and this is our thing.  Why don't you tel me about your day? How was it baby?"

So, you ended your night,staying on the pone with him.  You loved him so much, and the fact that he wanted to stay up just to tak to you meant alot.  He really loved you.

Hey, it's me.  I thought that was really cute.  Let me know your opinions.  I truly value them as a writer of my own.  Share ideas on what else you want me to write.  I know I am never active on here, and I am really working on it.  Well, 'til next time.  Bye!

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