Chrapter 56

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I opened my eyes slowly to the sight of Luke hovering me I could feel his warm heated breath pound done on my face I smiled and placed my hands on his cheeks I kissed his lips and fell back down to the soft pillow

" morning mrs hemmings " he said

" morning mr hemmings " I replied giggling after

He moved away and sat on the end of the bed I crawled up behind him and sung my arms around his neck I kissed his cheek and he laughed I stopped what I was doing and looked around we was in this really nice cute house you could look straight out the bedroom window and see a beach the whole house was made out of wood it looked amazing from the inside with everything being so open and fresh

" Luke where are we " I asked puzzled

" we are on our honey moon you feel asleep on the way here " he replied

" are we in a different country or something "

" no we are still in Australia but a private bit of it this whole house , island beach is ours " he said

" really all ours " I replied

" yep, so what do you want to do " he giggled

Luke stood up and tackled me down to the king size bed I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held my hips I connected my lips with his and we had a bit of a romantic fight which always ended up with us snogging each other's faces off . After we had breakfast I was sat in the porch looking out at the beautiful view with the sun rising up . Luke came out and placed his hand on my shoulder .

" Daniella my beautiful wife " he said

" Luke my amazing husband " I replied

He laughed and sat next to me I cuddled up and we listened to the waves crashing against each other washing up on the shore .

" I'm expecting Michael or Calum to come in a start moaning at us " he said

" me too but we are all alone " I replied

" yeah all alone just me and you " he said

I rested my head on his shoulder and looked out it was quite I was enjoying the peace there was no loud sounds just the nature around us it was lovely . A few hours later I was in the bed room putting on my blue bikini Luke entered and smiled at me I smiled back and put my hair into a messy bun and walked out sitting down in the living room .I read through some magazines and flicked through some channels but nothing was on so I decided to take a walk alone the beach with Luke we held hands interlocking our fingers together and laughed nearly every 5mins I can't believe Luke has done this for our honey moon it is so romantic and breathtaking I love everything about this place and I'm a hemmings I can't believe that I am a hemmings Daniella-Marie hemmings I smiled and repeated the name in my head I couldn't believe I was actually married

" Daniella yesterday was the best day of my life you look so stunning you blew me away " he said

" Luke yesterday is a day that will live in my memory for the rest of my life you and the boys caught me by surprise when I saw you in your suits "

" yeah but I was the best looking one, right? "

" yes you was the sexiest one there " I said

He giggled and picked me up bridle style over to the sea he walked in till it went past his hips I held on tight to him and buried my face him his neck . He placed me in the water and held my hips I looked into his eyes and we slowly moved closer to each other .

" Daniella I love you "

" I love you to "

He slammed his lips into mine hard he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist he moaned into the kissed a few time and his grip got tighter I lifted my body up out of the water so I was towering over him our lips still connected he bit my lip and I slid back in the cold water he wrapped his arms around my body and pulled away

" why did you stop " I asked panting

" because I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable " he said

I grinned and we got out of the calm sea we strolled back to the house I went to our room and jumped into the shower and washed all the sand and salt water from my hair after that I saw Luke was lead out on the bed he look sad I crawled onto the bed in my towel and laid next to him resting my wet hair on his chest which he didn't seem to mind

" what's the matter " I said

" it nothing "

" it's something when I see a face like that it all means something " I said

He smiled " Daniella if you are scared about trying again I will always be here to help you I won't push you we will take it steady " he said

I took a long deep breath and slowly spoke " Luke...I'm ready "

" Daniella I don't want to push you when your ready I'm ready " he said

" you didn't push me I'm choosing this and I'm ready " I replied

He hovered over me and I looked into his blue sparkling eyes they were full of happiness

" Daniella are you sure "

" I'm sure now just kiss me " I said

He kissed my lips hard and removed my damp towel from my body I giggled and squealed as he moved his lips down my body I removed his swimming shorts and he pulled the bed covers over us .

Hello sorry it crap and short

Follow me on Instagram - DANI3LLA1234

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Bye xx

It all began with a rainy dayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora