"Well, hello to you too!" he chuckles.

"Oh, Scotty we missed you!" Sam and I say at the same time.

"I missed you girls too!" he says as he squeezes us tighter.

A throat clears and Scott drops us then turns to stand beside us, "Girls, this is Amanda. My girlfriends." I take her in. About 5'4", blonde, curly hair, thin.

"Hi. I'm Sam and this is my best friend, Danni."

I scoff, "Best friend? You mean sister." I say jokingly.

"Non-related sisters." she states.

"Yeah. That's what I meant. So. Where's mom?" I ask. I know what you're thinking. But she is a mother figure since mine died when I was four.

"I'm right here." she says walking up to us with the boys and Kane, her husband, in tow. I am immediately picked up and squeezed by all six of the boys with Spencer's little boy, Xavier, grabbing my feet. The guys all start talking at once saying 'I've missed you', "Why haven't you been around' and my personal favorite, 'What the hell is wrong with you child? Not seeing you adoptive father for so long!'

"Okay... Guys... I.. need.. air!" I gasp.

They all drop me saying 'sorry' as I land on the ground with a thump. "Guys. I said I needed air not to be dropped to the ground." They chorus 'sorry' together. "It's okay but next time. drop me gently." They respond with okays before grinning and looking at each other grinning. The next thing I know is I'm being picked up in hugs again. "Okay. Put me down, gently." They do. "Now, stand in a line." They do that too. I go down the line hugging them one by one. "Better?" I ask. They all answer yes and I tell them to go party. They smile and leave me, Sam, and Mom alone. Amy takes us to a tree nearby to talk. "Okay spill it girls." So we do.

"Wow, Danni. Looks like you've got your plate full of handsome hunks." she grins.

"Yeah. And I don't know why. I mean I'm not even pretty."

"Danielle Marie Logans. You are beautiful in every way possible and any man would be lucky to have you."

"Oh, please. Name one person."

Sam pipes in, "Well there's Tim, Paul, Anthony, James, Josh, Colton, Jeremy.... Need I go on?"

"I still don't see what you guys see. If they are interested in me then why had I not been on a date before Josh?"

"You blocked everyone out!" Sam shouts.

"Okay! I get it. But-"

"No buts!" Sam and Amy shout at the same time.

"Okay!" I shout back. I turn and stalk off not willing to listen to them anymore. I see the coolers and decide I need a drink. I start walk over just to be stopped by two arms around my waist. "Why hello there."


"So hows the party going?"

"Ugh. I just got lectured by Amy and Sam."


"You don't want to know.. Nor will I tell you."

"Fine. But may I have a dance?"

"Sure, Colton. I'll dance with you." He takes my hand and leads me to the dancefloor, or field that's been mowed. The song Hey Pretty Girl by Kip Moore comes on as we start to dance. I hear Colton lowly singing the song. His voice isn't bad. Nothing like Josh's, but not bad. "You know, you sing really well."

"Thanks, but I'm not that good."

"Yes you are. Better than me anyway." I finish under my breath, knowing my voice was really bad.

Signed, DanniWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu