Chapter 1: (The end of the movie, Titanic)

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                                                              Rose POV:

"Jack look, there's a boat, Jack!" I stopped and stared at him. A look of realization comes across my face. "Jack?... Jack!?... JACK!!??" No. I wouldn't accept this. He is not dead. Suddenly, his eyes flutter open and his beautiful blue eyes look at me. Barely any life left in them. "JACK! You scared me so bad! I thought you were... gone," I look away, I couldn't imagine a life without Jack.

"Rose, I'm not going to make it," Jack was barely able to croak this out of his throat. I pulled myself out of my thoughts and looked up at Jack. 

"You can't think like that Jack!" He gave me a pep talk, now it was time for me to give one to him. "We are both going to survive this and you can't think otherwise," I turned my head to the boat. It was growing farther away from us by the second. I started to pull Jack onto the door that we were floating on as I carefully dipped myself into the freezing cold water. I didn't notice how cold the water was because I was so focused on saving both of our lives. My body was so stiff but I managed to dog paddle my way over to the man with the whistle. When I blew the whistle, the men rowing the boat turn their heads in my direction. I continued to blow the whistle as they rowed towards us. 

                                  *                                         *                                          *

                                                               Jack POV:

To my horror, I saw Cal on the boat that we got rowed to. Rose and I were both bundled up in a blanket together. I gently tapped on Rose and nodded my head in his direction. Rose looked to where I pointed to, turned her head back to me, and started giggling. I put my arm around her, pulled the blanket over our heads, and we turned our backs to Cal so that he wouldn't be able to see us. After a few minutes passed, a guard walked up to us.     

"What are your names?" He asked. 

"Jack. Jack Dawson," I replied. "And this is Rose Dew-"

"Dawson," Rose interrupted me. "Rose Dawson."

"Alright. Thank you," says the guard. Then he moves on. I look at Rose and grin. 

"You know, maybe it's a good thing that you said that because it's about to become true if you let it." Rose has this confused look on her face. But I have something that will fix that. I get down on one knee and pull something from my pocket. 

"Cal's necklace!" She smiles. 

"Rose... Dawson," I open the case to show the beautiful heart of the ocean. "You jump, I jump, right?"

"Right," she says.

"So... Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Rose looks stunned but her face melts into a face that is about to start crying of happiness. 

"Oh, Jack! Of course!" She replies as she bursts into tears. "But where did you get it? I thought it was in the safe!"

"Well, I noticed that the jacket that you were wearing that Cal gave you was sagging from one of the pockets. So while you were sleeping on my shoulder on the rowboat, I checked it and found this." I hold up the necklace. 

"Wow," is all she can manage to say. I stand up and put the necklace around her neck. When it's secured, Rose turns around, glances at my lips and kisses them. Finally, we pull apart. 

"I love you, Jack," she says. Love is a powerful word. But I decide that I'm ready to use it too. "I love you too. You're the best thing that ever happened to me."


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