I knew her leaving would be hard, but I didn't think it'd be this hard being away from her. It hurt bad the first time she left since we weren't really on the best of terms, but now, it was entirely different because I realized I was attached to her more than I thought.

I wiped my fallen tears and I reached over, pulling out the top drawer of my nightstand and I reached inside, grabbing a picture that she and I had taken a few weeks prior on Denise's Polaroid.

I stared at the picture and grabbed my other pillow, snuggling it tight, inhaling her scent as I stared at our photo until I fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to Dalvin standing over me with a bowl of cereal in hand in only a robe, his drawers, and a pair of socks. He smiled at me while chewing his cereal and I stared him in confusion with my eyebrows furrowed.

 He smiled at me while chewing his cereal and I stared him in confusion with my eyebrows furrowed

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"Dalvin, what the hell are you doing?" I grumbled, wiping the crud from my eyes. "Today is the day! You not excited?" We'd be moving into our dorms today and he was so thirsty to get to school, it was honestly disgusting.

"Hell no! Get yo ass outta here." I groaned, rolling over but I could still feel his presence. "Dalvin, go!"

"Come on, man! Get up." I smacked my lips and sighed heavily as he finally exited my bedroom.

I sat up while yawning and rubbing eyes, and once I'd said a prayer, I pulled myself out of bed and got myself ready for the day.  Once I was fully dressed and groomed, I picked up my phone to call Journey. Hopefully she wasn't still asleep, but I highly doubted it because she was an early bird for the most part.

The phone rang a total of three times before she finally answered, "Hey, good morning babe."

"Good morning, baby. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept alright, what about you?" I could hear her stretching on the other side of the call. "I slept okay. I was just calling you before I headed out, checking up on you and what not."

"Well, I appreciate that. I still haven't even gotten out of bed, to be honest." She laughed lightly and it put a smile on my face. "Why not?"

"I just feel tired as hell."

"You always tired. Every time you miss my call, I always get a call back talking about some 'I was taking a nap when you called me' type shit." She laughed out loud, and I chuckled lightly my damn self. I really wish I could be with her right now.

I could hardly sleep without her in my arms, and I just straight up felt like a part of me was missing, and I know she felt the exact same way.

"Shut up! Acting like you know me."

"Cause I do. I think I know you better than you know yourself."

"I can't even protest because that just might be true." I smacked my lips, "You know it's tr—"

"Hey sis! What's the deal?" Dalvin's voice came through the receiver and I groaned, rolling my eyes and she thought him interrupting us was the funniest shit ever. "Dalvin, man, go on somewhere. Talk to her on your own time, bro."

"Man, I'm just tryna talk to my best-"

"Dalvin, get off the damn phone!" I said sternly and I heard a click, which made her laugh harder. "You didn't even give me a chance to say hi! Freaking jerk."

"Man, forget him. Anyways, on a serious note, I've been having an issue."

"What kind of issues?"

"My dick gettin' ha—"

"It's too damn early, De! Let's not." I know she was blushing, and I always teased her with explicit conversations because she always acted so shy, even though I knew she was missing it just as bad as I was.

"I'm serious, though. My hand not gon' work for too much longer."

"Well, you better use cold water."

"Nah, I think ima have to make a drive out there to come see you."

"You wouldn't..." She trailed off and I knew she was cheesing her ass off. "And why the hell won't I?"

"Because, you don't like driving for long periods of time."

"That's true, but this is you we're talking about. I'd swim across every ocean and lake, and climb the highest mountains to see you, girl." I smiled because I knew I had her- hook and line.

"Okay, that was smooth, I'll admit. But, if you're serious, I'll talk to Sunny and Quinita about it and get back to you. Deal?"

"Deal, baby."


A Girl Like You // D. Swing [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now