Chapter 7

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Jeordie's POV

I lay down on my bunk, almost still. I grasp my warm blanket and pull it underneath my chin. Thoughts flood my mind putting me restless. At the same time it's not my thoughts making me not sleep it's also the fact I don't really feel like sleeping. I hear Marilyn's steady breathing as he sleeps.

Marilyn gives me a queasy feeling. He hurts me too much with his words. Verbal and sometimes physical abuse. I know he's joking around. It hurts my feelings deeply because...well, I like him. I hate myself for liking him. He's cruel. He told me to fucking die today! What if I did die, huh? It wouldn't be that funny, now would it? I mentally roll my eyes at his stupidness.

"Jeordie?" I hear Zim call out. I peek my head out of my bunk to see him leaning out of his top bunk of Marilyn.


"Did I wake you, because if I did then it's nothing that important that can't wait until tomorrow." He says politely.

"No, I was already up." I look up to see him looking around nervously. "What did you need, Zim?" He hesitantly answers.

"C-can you come on a walk with me. I'm just not tired, and I'm lonely." I shrug and get up. I slip on my converse.

"Sure why not." I say cheerfully. He nods and jumps down from his bunk. He slips on a black sweater and shoes. I follow him out the door.

We quietly make our way out the building trying to not get caught. We leave out the back doors and stroll into the garden in the courtyard. It's a pretty isolated area in the courtyard. We stop and take a seat when we find a stone bench. Zim scoots a tad closer to me. He brushes his elbow to mine while tucking his hair behind his ear.

"So, anything bothering you?" I ask him. He hums and looks up at the moon.

"I...I wanted to tell you something." He says quietly.

"What's that?" He quickly turns and kisses me. I widen my eyes. Our lips move together. He hums in sweet pleasure from the back of his throat. I close my eyes and try to kiss back just as passionately. Maybe Zim is a better choice for me. Just maybe. But something in me couldn't just quite say 'fuck you, Marilyn, I like Zim now'. Zim straddles me and tugs at my dreads. My arms that are awkwardly tangled around his waist I untangle them. I lightly push him off. He gets the idea and climbs off. He scoots to the edge of the bench.

"S-sorry. I'm so sorry." He mumbles. The look of hurt plaster his face.

"Zim, you're wonderful. You're beautiful, but I can't. You're not for me." I look down at my shaking hands and try to gather my words. "I like Marilyn. As much as I hate liking him, he's got me." He nods.

"Yeah, I knew you liked him all along." He says, disappointedly. He gets up and leaves me by myself in this garden. I lay on the bench and look up at the starry sky.

I should say hello to the awkward tension Zim and I will have.

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