Baby || Dutch x reader

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The camp is in good spirits lately and you can't be any happier. Your baby can be born any minute now. It's well into the night and you've been having back pain.

Dutch has been worried about you and the baby since he found out. You couldn't blame him. You know the lifestyle. He's been so protective of you.

Lately at night littlest of movements cause him to wake in panic thinking you could be having the baby.

Other nights he's in such deep sleep you wonder if you would have to kick him to wake up if you went into labor.

Perhaps some walking can ease your pain. Untangling yourself as slowly as possible from Dutch's arms and the massive blanket You make your way out of the tent.

Placing your hand on the base of your back you waddle around slowly trying to ease the pain. You can see Javier sitting by the fire warming up. "Hey (y/n), everything okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. My back is just sore and I can't really fall asleep." This has happened occasionally throughout your pregnancy. You would venture out to the fire and warm yourself and sometimes talk to whoever just got off of guard duty.

"Maybe you should sit for a little?" You nod your head willing to try anything at this point. Javier stands up to help you sit. Before he can make it over to you, you feel this weird wet sensation slowly making its way down your legs.

Hopping no one can see what you assumed was you wetting yourself. A sharp pain is felt and you let out a welp. Javier rushes over to you and holds you up by grabbing you under your shoulders.

"What's wrong" he panics! The pain is over and leaves and you catch your breath. "I'm not sure. Maybe the baby is coming."

You can see the panic in Javiers eyes at the mention of the possibility of the baby coming. Perhaps it was just one of those pains Abigail Was telling you about. Something like false labor. Surely the real thing would hurt much more than that you thought.

"Should I get Dutch or miss Grimshaw?" Javier is such an angel right now. "I don't think so. Abigail told me about false labor pains. Maybe that's what this is."

"Alright let me walk you ba- ow ow ow" Javier yells as you squeeze his hand. "Get miss Grimwash Javier!" You yell as another wave of pain comes.

You make a mental note to apologize to Javier later for pain your causing him. Dutch comes out of the tent hearing you yelling and he is in pure panic.

He makes his way over to you taking Javier's place in letting you squeeze his hand. "It's going to be alright sweetheart." The both of you slowly make it to your tent and is met with miss Grimshaw and Abigail.

Dutch lays you down on the bed and kisses you on the forehead. You wimper out in pain as you feel it again. Dutch holds your hand and kisses and tells you "I know you can do this. Your such a strong woman."

He is told to leave the tent (men were usually not allowed in the same space when a women is giving birth.

Most of the group is awake now, hearing you in pain. The men stand around Dutch and tell him everything is going to be fine. The women wait eagerly to meet the new member.

As time passes by very slowly a baby's cry is heard. Dutch lets out a deep breath and stands up. Hosea pats him on the shoulder and he makes his was to the tent.

You see him enter and you tiredly smile. You're holding your baby. You can't believe the little baby that has been growing inside you is finally in your arms.

Dutch places a long kiss on your lips and he sits next to your bed. "Would you like to hold her?"

"Of course my dear." You gently place your little girl into Dutch's arms. The sight of him holding your tiny little girl is almost to much.

"Hey there sweety, I'm your Daddy" Dutch whispers. You swear you can see just the tinest hint of a smile on her face.

If there was any chance of your little girl being a momma's girl it's out of question now. Dutch places a gentle kiss on her forehead. "You're Daddy's little girl."

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 05, 2019 ⏰

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