On the Run || Javier x reader

Start from the beginning

"If you don't stop talking I'll have to gag that pretty little mouth of yours."

After this you just give up and stop trying. Maybe somehow being hanged is better than being caught by Colm. You couldn't imagine what he'd do.

Being stuck in this position trying not to fall off a galloping horse has you very uncomfortable. Who knows where your being taken to. You robbed sever small towns.

Trying to look at the man and see if maybe that will tell you a little something, you see that he dresses well. That's what's very confusing, you only robbed small towns and none of which had any well dressed people.

You've been traveling for many long hours and taking a break here or there. The sun has been hidden with dark clouds most of the day mirroring how gloomy you feel. You haven't said much not wanting to anger this man that's taking you to god knows where.

Loud claps of thunder can be heard along with a few streaks of lighting. "Storms rolling in pretty fast, we'll need to stop for the night."

Question is where? The man spends some time looking for a suitable location but has no luck. "There's a cave on the right. Maybe we can check it out" you ask.

Going into the direction he dismounts and helps you down. "Don't give me a reason to shoot you, got it? Because I won't hesitate."

"Of...of course." The man cuts the rope at your feet and then your hands. You rub the red marks on your wrist hoping to relief the pain.

"Thanks." The man just shakes his head at you and walks into the small cave to make sure it's safe and no one is living inside.

He left you with his horse, a spare gun and all his supplies. Part of you wants to try and run free for another night, but another is saying to trust him and stay put.

Another loud clash of lightning followed by heavy rain. You grab the horses reins and trying to quickly make it to shealter. The ground nearly becomes soup with all the rain.

The horse seems a bit stressed with the all the loud sounds and also being lead by a stranger. He neighs in disconfort and nearly shoves you to the ground. "Easy Boaz" The man calls from inside the cave.

Eventually he makes his way out and calms his horse with a few pats and words you cannot understand. Upon entering the cave the night seemed to have taken a turn.

The both of you settled for the night but of course the man with you threatened to kill you if you try anything again. You did make some progress with him though. Learning his name, and that he's in a gang sent out to find you as you could be of use to them.

There's a raging storm outside but here you are sitting by a fire seemingly miles away. You're busy wondering what's going to happen. What did Javier mean that I can be useful to his gang. Perhaps he is in the rival gang the O'driscolls talked about.

Quiet snores are heard just a few feet away from you. You turn and look and just can't contain your smile. Javier looks so peaceful. His hat is gently placed over his face, his chest slowly rising and falling. Perhaps it's a good idea to get some sleep too.


Waking up to a struggle was the last thing you would imagine how your morning would go. Panic sets in along with adrenaline. Looking around you can't see Javier so the noises must be outside.

Upon the opening of the cave, you see two men specifically dressed as the bounty hunters you've come across before, are laid out onto the rocks. Either dead or unconscious, but there were two others.

"Where's the damn girl greaser!"

Crounching down and peaking around the cave wall you can see Javier is struggling against one man who is holding him from behind while another is yelling in his face no doubt wondering where you are.

"I don't know what girl you're talking about" Javier's accent is thicker now that he's angry. He struggles trying to break free from the man but his grip is strong, too strong.

"Well if you can't help amigo, there's no need to keep you around."

The man reaches for his knife and your eyes widened. You can't let Javier die for you. Sure he may have taken you hostage but he never hurt you. He's already defended you against these men.

You grab the knife from your boot and quickly throw it, stabbing the guy in the neck. Javier's eyes widen but then elbows the guy holding him causing his grip to loosen.

He then proceeds to punch the guy until he's dead, blood covering his knuckles as he leans over to catch his breath. You run over to him and before you can touch him he stands up straight "I'm fine, gracias" he clears his throat and you notice a few bruises lingering on him.

Before you can insist on helping he interrupts you "we need to leave."

"Are we going to your gang?"

"Sí, but don't worry. They won't harm you. Dutch just wants your help finding Colm O'driscoll. Once he gets him you'll be free to go." Javier heads over to his horse and quickly mounts up and offers his hand to you.

"Will... will your gang harm me? I'm not going back to another gang if I'm just going to used and then beaten. That's what got me in this mess."

"They won't harm you, they're not like that. Once the business with Colm is done, you can make the decision to stay or go." He offers his hand again and you take it.

Mounting up on his horse wrapping your arms around him "I'm trusting you Javier."

"Of course mi amor" he smiles over his should looking at me. That damn smile is going to be the death of me. "I won't let anything hurt you."

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