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“Thank you, New Jersey! We love you! Three cheers for sweet revenge!” I shouted as we exited the stage.

That wuz gret sho...feel tire...wan sleep.

And with that I went face first on the hard floor backstage.


“Gerard! Gerard, buddy wake up!” I heard Frankie say…

He's so cute...I love Frankie. Frankie's my friend. I hate it when I scare him, so I opened my eyes to see his face scared as fuck.

I was still high…

I was lying on the ground backstage, and had this terrible goofy smile on, while I felt like shit.

“Hi, Frankie…” I slurred in a whisper.

“Hi, Gerard. Do you need help up?”

“Nope. I like it here.” I whispered while closing my eyes.

He gave me his hand and helped me up and we went outside to Ray who was used to this, Mikey who was as scared as Frank, and Bob who just didn't put up with this bullshit and hides all the beer from me. They all cared about me, and they hated it when this happened…

Right as I got outside I felt sick. It was a windy day and the blue sky was now gray. Frank had his arms around my waist holding me steady, but I pushed them off and dropped to my knees.

I puked in the grass. Frank rubbed my back, and after about a half hour I fell on my back and curled in ball. I know my liver is damaged big time and everything hurt. I squeezed my eyes shut and groaned in pain.

Frank got down on his knees next to me imeadiatly, he knew I wouldn't get up, and started gently stroking my hair…

I like it when Frankie does this... it's comforting and makes me feel loved.


I opened my eyes and sat up and saw Frank next to me. He looked like a scared little girl and then I remembered…

“Frank you okay?”

He sighed in relief, stood, and helped me up. I looked up at the sky and started drizzling.

“Hey, Frank how long have I been...you know…”

“An hour…”

“And you stayed with me.” I whispered softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Don't mention it.” He said as he held me steady on the way to the car.



Hi, hope you enjoy! I know it was a sad time him on drugs but this is when he's almost better.

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