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You woke up on Banes chest, looking up at him as his mouth was open, snoring. You'd glance over at the alarm clock, it saying: "8:30." Bane would wake up looking at you. "Good morning baby." He'd say, making out with you. One of his soldiers would knock on the door. "Sir, May I speak with you For A Minute?" The Soldier Would Ask. You'd lightly get off of Banes chest, laying on the other pillow on the opposite side of the bed. Bane opened the door, standing in just his boxers. "What Quan.." Bane would say, Towering over him, tired. Quan would look into the bedroom, staring at your nude ass. "Damn, your girl has such a nice ass." He'd say. Bane began to clench his fist, grabbing Quan and slamming him too the ground, breaking his neck and instantly killing him. Bane would walk back into the room, slamming the door shut. Bane Got back into the bed, Pulling you lightly back onto his chest. "That bitch had it coming, I never liked him in the first place, only got him here because I needed him for my army." He'd explain. "Oh, well." You'd say. Bane would be starring at your tits as they fell onto his chest, biting his lip. You'd look up at Bane, smirking. Bane would have a massive boner, staring at your tits, biting his lip. "You want them, baby?" You'd question, smirking and biting your lip after feeling his boner. "Oh fuck yeah." He'd say, grabbing your tits litely, sucking on one of them. You'd grab him Cock from his boxers, sliding it lightly into your entrance, immediately after Bane would cum all over you. Bane would moan in his usual deep voice, biting his lip at the same time, cum dripping from your entrance. "Your that horny?" You'd say, looking at the puddle of cum on the bedsheet. "Mhm.." Bane would Reply, his voice still shaken after the quick climax he had just had.

ᏴᎪNᎬ х ᎡᎬᎪᎠᎬᎡ जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें