"When it's not liquid shit, it's a good source of caffeine," the Goa'uld said dryly. "Caffeine is worth more than gold."

That didn't sound like something a Goa'uld would say. Hearing it said in a human voice that lacked the distinct echoey quality the Goa'uld preferred only made it more weird. But the general wasn't going to allow himself to be distracted by the oddities.

"How did you get in here?" he demanded, keeping his voice calm but firm with an effort.

"I walked through the front door," the Goa'uld said, turning away from the windows to face the general directly. "General Hammond, I presume."

"Nephthys, I presume," Hammond replied in the same tone.

Blue eyes flashed gold. "Since we've only just met, I'll overlook that insult," he said.

"Insult?" Hammond repeated in confusion.

"Nephthys is not my name," the Goa'uld said, banked fury shining in his blue eyes. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Though I can see why you might think that. Setesh always had a wicked sense of humor."

"Then what should I call you?" Hammond asked, wary but aware of the fact the Goa'uld had set aside the obvious weapons before speaking with him.

Maj. Carter's research hadn't implied Nephthys, or whatever his name was, had ever been particularly violent or attention seeking like Seth had been throughout the centuries. For that reason, and that reason only, the general was willing to give the Goa'uld the benefit of the doubt. Even if he dearly wanted to know how a Goa'uld could walk right into the SGC without anyone noticing.

The Goa'uld in question gazed at him for a few moments before answering. "I was born to the name Set," he said. "But I go by Seto Kaiba these days." Blue eyes narrowed. "You knew that."

"You may have his name, but you aren't Seto Kaiba," Hammond said, glaring at the intruder. It may not be wise to taunt the snake, but it also wasn't wise to have a snake in close proximity either.

"No?" Set shrugged and rested the fingers of one hand gently on the table's smooth surface. "It may not be the name I was born to, true, but it was the name I bought with my blood and sanity. Therefore, it is mine."

Hammond frowned. "I doubt your host feels the same way."

Set scoffed, his lips twitching up in dry amusement. "There's no need to be so defiant, general," he drawled, refusing to be roused by Hammond's verbal jabs. "After all, I did not come here as your enemy."

"Then why are you here?" Hammond demanded, feeling the weight of the stars on his shoulder. This was his base and this Goa'uld's presence was a threat to it and everyone in it.

Tan fingers toyed with the handle of the mug as if debating taking it in hand. "To make a truce," Set said, finally looping his fingers through the mug handle and lifting it to his lips. Immediately, he grimaced at the flavor. "That really is disgusting."

He still drank more. The general watched in suspicion. "A truce," he said, doubt coloring his words. "After you invaded this base-"

"Walking through the front door with an escort is hardly an invasion," Set interrupted, replacing the mug on the table. "I came alone, I disarmed myself, and I'm talking to you now instead of killing you. I should think that was preferable. You Humans always did prefer finding peaceful solutions to things before resorting to violence. Even if violence is the only efficient way to get the job done."

"If talking can save lives, than-"

"Spare me the lecture, general," Set drawled in a bored tone. "I've heard it before from better people. We will agree to disagree on that point and that will be that."

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