Your a hero. Connor x winged! Reader

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Setting: Detroit, Michigan
Date: April 8th 2040
Time: 2:46 pm


Your POV

You were a young woman from Ferndale Michigan now living in Detroit for college. You were in the front right hand seat of the bus after school returning home. The bus took a right into a hill going down. It began its decent. You were maybe halfway down when the bus really began picking up speed. Soon enough loud screeches were heard.

You looked to the automated dashboard seeing the emergency brake was activated. "Fasten your seatbelts. Prepare for a crash." A calm voice sounds. People begin screaming. The whole bus full of terror. You look behind you on the ceiling at the emergency top exit. You stood up on your chair and open it frantically. "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING LADY?!" People notice you.

"ARE YOU INSANE?! YOULL KILL US ALL, YOU FUCKIN IDIOT!" You ignore it And peek your head out. The wind whips your hair into your face as you turned towards the back of the bus. You turn around to the front your hair flying in the wind. You were speeding towards an intersection. "SHIT SHIT SHIT"

you leap onto the tops of the seats and jump ontop of the bus. Soon inertia pushed you towards the back of the bus. You cling onto the top and crawl up tp the front. You struggle and remove your shirt. Its about to come off either way so fuck it. You grip knto the leading edge of the bus and focus. *WHOOSH*

Well the secrets out. You try using air friction and spread your wings. The force pulls on you trying to fling you away. But thats not happening. You scream fighting the pain and bring your wings out as far as you can. The bus started slowing down! You were roaring out into the wind. The bus was slowing down exponentially.

A sudden jerkof the emergency break working made you loose grip and fly off the front of the bus-

Unknown amount of time passes

Whatever that annoying noise is, it better fuckin stop. Loud noises but muffled. Sirens? Voices...voices? " Sh..onsious." You try moving something. Anything. Especially your eyes. Soon against all odds your eyes open. Blue and red flashing lights blind your sensitive vision. A soft young mans voice was heard in the background, you were only beginning to make out what he was saying through your ringing ears.

"..s do any of you know what happened?" Soon a young shooken up womans voice sounds. "I-I do sir!" "W-well what h-h-had happened was- the- bus wasnt s-stopping, and t-this lady got o-on top of the b-bus and g-grew wings..! Like a bird! A-and saved all of us..!"

At this point you were rolling over onto your other side taking note your covered by a blanket. "Agh- fuckn...hell." You grumble in pain. "I-is everyone... okay?" You ask out. You notice people move in closer around the caution tape you and the bus were surrounded in as they noticed you.

"Sir!" An android you recognized as the famous Connor turned to you. He walks over to you. "Are you okay?" "I dont matter! What about the people!" You try sitting up and he stops you by covering you back up with the blanket. "All 27 passengers are safe ma'm. Now. Are you okay?" You begin checking your limbs by moving them. "Fuck!" Your right wing was broken.

"...i doubt anyone knows how to fix giant wings... you laugh dryly. "Maybe a vet?" You laugh at him. "Im not an animal! experiment."

"O-oh. Im so sorry i didnt mean to say-" "dont worry its ok..." You begin to look up at him. "I can fix it myself. I just need a way home." He nods and steps off. "We just need you to come to the police department first." You nod and begin getting up. You pull your blanket over you and hold your wings close.

You cant conceal them when they're damaged. You go through the croud and into the police cars passenger seat after Connor got in the drivers side. "So...wheres hank?" "Hes at the department sorting reports. Im out on field work." You nod as he turns the key and starts the car up beginning to drive. "I hope you know your a hero now."

"O-oh im actually already well known..." "is that so? I haven't scanned you up yet.." "Well im kinda totally not the detroit paldin or anything but ah...hmmm i dont know..." "really?! Your (Y/N)? I need your autograph!" He fangirled at you. You were the detroit paladin pretty much a modern robin hood. You take from the rich and give to the poor.

"Haha ok...ok." "Your such a hero-" "Im not a hero, im just...generous." He glances at you and looks back at the the spring drizzle coming onto the windshield. "Whatever you are. Your a rolemodel for so many people. E-even androids." You notice his stutter and chuckle. "Are you saying im your role model?" He quickly answers, "Im not saying you arent."

You huff a small laugh and look down into your lap. "Look. Im not human either.. obviously. So its ok..." "yeah i kind of do look up to you in some way.." "aww thank you! I...i look up to you too." "Do you?" "You've helped so many people. Your...well a hero!" You smile and look into his eyes. One second...two seconds, three- "your a hero too, Connor."

Little story i thought of when on the bus at school😂 i have another story coming soon based on a true story so look out!👀

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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