How You Guys Get Back Together (C)

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A/N: I felt bad doing a break-up preference and not having a happy ending for it(even though I'm a sucker for depressing tragedies), so this is the 'happy ending' preference and a part 2 to the 'How He Reacts When You Break Up'. I really hope it's a satisfying enough ending lol. I really enjoyed writing it, so I hope you guys enjoy reading it!

Darry: A few days after you ended things with him, you showed up at his front door in tears. At first he was mad and said that you were the one who broke up with him, not the other way around, but he quickly saw how genuinely hurt and sorry you were and pulled you into his arms. He brought you inside and made dinner for the two of you, and you guys were back together by the end of the night.

Two-Bit: You were sitting alone in a booth at a diner one day when Two-Bit stumbled in. He literally fell into the seat next to you, as he was overly drunk, and practically threw himself on top of you. It was a drunk decision, as was the making-out that followed, but it made you both realize how much you missed each other. He called you the next day once he got over his hangover.

Dallas: You both went to the same party. Not even five minutes in, a drunk Tim Shepard began making moves on you and whispering things in your ear. Normally you would've been appalled, but you saw Dally watching, so you started encouraging it. Dally quickly got jealous and promptly punched Tim in the face. The rest of the night, Dal kept his arm around your shoulders and wouldn't let you leave his side. At one point, he leaned over and whispered, "You're mine, sweetheart. I can't let anybody ever take you away from me."

Steve: It'd been a month since Steve had broken up with you, and he wasn't doing well, so Soda and Darry decided to do something about it. They found out you were still hung up on Steve and so convinced you to go to the drive-in movies one night. They forced Steve to go, and made sure the only seat available was the one next to you. Steve was pissed at first, but with encouragement from Soda, he eventually apologized and asked if you'd like to try to work things out with him. You hesitantly rested your head on his shoulder and answered, "I thought you'd never ask, Stevie."

Sodapop: Sodapop was always one for romantic extravagance. One day he showed up at your house with flowers in hand and a bucket full of memorable items from your relationship(ex: you tripped over the bucket at the DX the first time you two officially met, and there's pictures, notes, etc. included in the bucket). He came prepared with a whole speech he had Ponyboy help him write, but when he saw you, it only took him simply asking for you to take him back for you to say yes.

Johnny: Pony told you how rough Johnny was taking the break-up. You immediately felt the need to run to Johnny and apologize - you still had feelings for him and you didn't even remember why you had broken up with him in the first place. Johnny cried a little when you asked to get back with him, and he took you back without a second thought, repeatedly telling you that he loved you.

Ponyboy: About two weeks after you broke up with him, Pony showed up to school with his hair cut and bleached. During English, you passed him a note that read 'I like it.' He was shocked that you'd passed him a note at first, but he wasted no time in writing something back. You passed notes back and forth for the next few days until you impulsively wrote 'I'm sorry. Would you ever consider taking me back?'. He wrote back, 'Come over after school. I've missed you too much to ever consider saying no.'

THE OUTSIDERS IMAGINES AND PREFERENCESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon