1: Incoming

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There was a jolt and the lights flickered. The Vengeance emerged from the warp in high orbit configuration around Kimberlene. She began the velocity-dump procedure to enable us to ease down into the disc of planetary orbits. Standard procedure to reduce the risk of collision with any matter left over from planetary formation; non-standard was our immediate activation of shields and priming of torpedoes. Reports of Hragk-activity had been rife in this sector and Kimberlene was suspected of housing their base. I was seated in the aft targeting module, near the shuttle bay, already suited up ready for action. I studied the tactical display holo intently. It was currently in passive mode, waiting for the first returns from the spy-drones we'd launched on emergence. Neutrino swirls showed up, possible evidence of other vessels. I waited impatiently, fingers tapping at the edge of my console. The holo showed five planets, each with a cluster of moons. We were currently vectored on Kimberlene 3, closing at .3c. With deceleration, we would be entering orbit in two hours. I didn't look forward to the prospect of two long hours of nail-biting tension; were the Hragk here or not?

Five minutes later, the red velocity-match indicator dimmed; we were now in sync with the velocity of the system. One thing less to worry about. Two minutes after that, our problems started. "Weapons to Captain. Forward drone reporting vessel detected about Three," I sang out. They'd have seen it on the auxiliary bridge but it was part of my job to call it, without waiting for a formal go-ahead from the skipper. "Analysis indicates... possible Hragk frigate." A standard Hragk raider, not too big a danger for a heavy cruiser like the Vengeance. In a way, I felt almost relieved that the patrol hadn't been a wash-out. "Engage at will," ordered the captain. I toggled the first switch on my panel and it glowed amber. Torpedo carrier launched. It would follow the drone reports on the enemy vessel, then disperse a cloud of small missiles in a pattern to catch the other ship no matter what evasive action her helmsman took. At least, that was the theory. After all, I was seeing where their ship had been about twenty-five minutes earlier. "Second vessel now emerging from behind Three," I said, mouth dry, still on channel. "Light cruiser configuration." I studied the tracks of the two ships now showing in the holo. The cruiser was shifting, climbing out of plane fast. They must have had drones of their own on the edge of the system, to pick us up so soon. The cruiser obviously intended making a fight out of it; if she'd wanted to run, she'd have dived toward the exit radius. On the order, I launched a torpedo carrier at our new opponent. In view of her already considerable velocity, I tagged a second carrier for launch five minutes after the first. My suit was getting sticky with sweat. I turned the temp setting down two degrees.

Two or three minutes dragged by. A soft ping! in my headphones announced that the targeting comp had found another bogey. Using the joysticks mounted in the chair-arms, I span the view around me until I could see the newcomer dead ahead. A third vessel had been picked up moving toward Kimberlene 5 from below the orbital plane. "Weapons to Captain. Third target...Hragk drive characteristics ... configuration unknown." I reported, hurriedly interrogating the comp for additional data. "Possible freighter, although the mass is a little high."

"I don't like the look of this." The captain's voice. "Helmsman, plot an exit course via Four. Make it look like we're planning a slingshot manoeuvre, then take us straight through at the last moment. Weapons, engage that new target. Make sure it's not still there when we pass through the plane."

"Aye, skipper." I responded. I lined up a carrier on the suspect freighter but did not release it. I wanted more information on where she was headed. Another light came on to announce the third carrier launch. Within seconds, the holo showed the current trajectory of our latest missile-cluster. As yet, the cruiser wasn't evading, just climbing fast. She wouldn't have picked up our course change yet. The frigate, meanwhile, was picking up velocity in a frantic effort to hide behind the planet. Comp didn't think she'd make it.

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