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dianne's pov

today joe and i were going to wiltshire to do some thatching for our vt, it wasn't ideal since we would be missing essesntial rehersal time but we had to do it for the show. strictly booked us a hotel room tonight so that we could reherse in the hall here and then catch the train the next morning.

i arrive at the train station seeing joe with his vlog camera pulled out

"aw i was trying to scare you!" he said pouting

"can't get me that easily joseph" i laughed pulling him into a hug

"i'll get you one day" he replied

"what time's our train again?" i asked

"you're the pro, you're meant to know!" he said playfully

"yeah yeah whatever, i'm not the one who planned it" i looked around in my bag for our tickets, taking a while since my bag was a mess.

"you found them yet?" joe asks laughing


"seriously di, you want me to look?"

"got them! 9:15, so let's go get some breakfast first and then we can wait for the train" i suggested

"sounds good, how about i keep the tickets though seeing as how long it took you to find them?" he said smirking slightly

"fineeee! i only lose things because i'm too busy doing more important things" i said pouting slightly

"more important things? i don't think the strictly crew would be happy if you lost the tickets to wiltshire, we'd have to spend another day doing our vt and lose even more rehersal time" joe said

"whatever" i laughed rolling my eyes and pushing him playfully

we made our way over to costa to sit down and get something to eat before the train, joe was vlogging today as well so he took out his camera filming bits and pieces.

"and this is why i'm in charge of the tickets.... but i'll tell you what, we're in coach f seat 70 and 69" he said smirking

"rock 'n' roll" he raised his eyebrows up and down looking at me playfully

"it's a sign!" i said laughing, he turned the camera off and we drank our coffees.

i can't believe i said 'it's a sign' like i don't have a boyfriend. I need to act proffessional, i can't like joe...i can't


we finally arrived in wiltshire and made our way over to where joe's uncle was.

"this is dianne" joe said introducing me

"yeah, i know that joe! i have been watching you on tv, y'know" he said chuckling

"yeah whatever....anyways, let's get thatching" joe said all embarrased now

"woah i'm gonna have to climb a ladder?" i said suddenly worrying about my fear of heights

"well yeah, it's the roof not ground level..why? you're not scared of heights are you?" joe asked

"yep..." i said looking slightly scared

"don't worry dianne, you'll be fine. i'll help you get up there and once you do there's a platform so it'll be alright. look, just walk up that ladder and stand next to the straw" he said

i did what he said and as i was walking up the laddnter he put his hand on my back to guide me up, i immedietly felt butterflies.

"you alright di?" he asked when we got to the top.

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