first show

300 9 0

joe's pov

today was the day i would be performing it in front of a crowd with millions of people watching at home. as if camera blocking hadn't been bad enough, this was about to be a lot more pressure.

"hey joe, honestly try not to worry. it's your first show, everyone is gonna be nervous, you know the steps, you've done it amazing so many times before. and even if you don't do well, no ones going out till next week!" she said, joking slightly about the last part

"thanks, i guess i'm just worried about letting you down"

"awwww, you're so sweet" she said pulling me into a hug

"hey, i got some fan mail sent to me and some of its for you too, do you wanna come open it now?" i asked

"omg really?!?" she exclaimed

"yeah, my fans are the sweetest" i said

"aw of course, what kind of stuff to they send?!"

"we're about to find out di" i joked, she stuck out her tongue and we went back to my dressing room

"awwww it's a drawing of us!" di said

"and some chocolate....twirls! my favourite" she said, opening the pack and eating some

"leave some for me" i joked

"oh, i forgot to ask, who's coming to the show tonight?" she asked me

"my sister zoe and her boyfriend alfie, is anyone coming for you or?" i replied kinda unsure as to whether the pros invite people to watch

"no, my boyfriend said he was going to come today a few weeks back but then cancelled last night" she replied looking down slightly

"aw i'm sorry" i said

"it's alright, we've been drifting apart recently" she said

"anyways! we best go to the stairs, it's almost time to start" she said taking my hand and leading me the right way


"next up is joe sugg and his partner dianne buswell"

we went onto the stage and went up the stairs getting into our starting positions. she whispered 'go on joe' and then it started.

come on joe, don't trip down the stairs, don't miss the steps...what am i doing? i can't believe i signed up for this show....leapfrog over dianne, run forwards....almost at the end, slide under her legs and pose.

i'd done it! i'd finished the dance and i didn't mess up too much i don't think! i went over to give dianne a big hug before walking over to the judges

it was all a bit of a blur to be honest, before i know it i'm back in the claudatorium, i was still a bit out of it so didn't really know what anyone including me was saying. it's time for our scores.....6,7,7,7

wow, i was not expecting that, i was thinking craig would give us a 4 or a 5 but i'm really happy. i gave dianne a hug and then we went backstage

"omg i'm so proud of you joe!!" she said leaping into my arms

"i can't believe we got that high!" i exclaimed

"i can, you put in so much work! and you nailed it" she said smiling so much

"we better go back up and watch the others" we went back upstairs and watched the others who were all so good. i had a feeling i was going to be in the bottom half of people

after a while it was the end and there was an afterparty.

"hey joe, i'll meet you outside my dressing room?" dianne said

this years loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ