Puerto Rico

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3 Days Later - Rachel's House

Rachel and Kurt are in her room just wearing pajamas and robes. With tissues all over the bed and floor of the bedroom, Rachel's dads tried to take them out of the bed but they are both miserable, Kurt is suffering over Blaine and Rachel over Finn. Both are heartbroken, they even lost the last days at school cause couldn't get off the bed.

"Boys are so stupid!" Kurt said crying.

"Preach! I can't believe that everything were a lie, ya know? I really thought that Finn loved me!" Rachel said crying and eat her ice cream with Kurt.

"And Blaine?! Oh my God, we were together for almost two fucking years and he doesn't trust me!" Kurt said crying too and someone walk in the room.

"Okay, this is depressing." Santana said when she saw their situation.

"We had to call Santana, we tried to take you out of this bedroom for good, but you guys didn't accepted. Now Santana is taking you guys for bad." Leroy said.

"Okay, where is Rachel's baggage?" Santana asked.

"In the closet." Hiram said and Santana went to the closet.

"Why do you want my baggage?" Rachel asked confused.

"Cause this scene is too depressing to watch, so we talked with Santana's parents and Burt and Carole and we all agreed. You guys are making a summer trip." Leroy said helping Santana packing Rachel's stuff.

"What? I want to spend my whole summer in this bed." Rachel said.

"No, no. You two are coming with me and my family to Puerto Rico." Santana said "It's going to be fun,  I promise. And when we comeback to our senior year any of us will care a damn about Blaine Anderson, Finn Hudson and Brittany S. Pierce when we comeback." Santana said.

"Wait what? What happened to you and Brittany?" Kurt asked.

"I explain later, what matter now is that you two need to take a shower cause we need to be in the airport soon and we still need to stop at Kurt's to grab his stuff." Santana said and they groaned.

"Arghhh, fine. Kurt you go first cause I need to help Santana with my baggage." Rachel said and started to pack things with Santana.

"Are you okay? About Britt?" Rachel asked and Santana sighed.

"We broke up the day before yesterday and I cried the whole night, but I'm done crying, I just wanna have a memorable summer with my besties." Santana said and Rachel hugged her.

"Thanks San, if weren't you, I would probably spend my whole summer crying over Finn Hudson." Rachel said and they hugged for more minutes.

About 30 minutes later, Kurt get out of the shower and Rachel take her shower and get ready. While Rachel and Kurt get ready, Santana went to Hudson-Hummel house to pack Kurt's things.

——At Hudson-Hummel

Santana gets there and rang the bell, she is a little bit concerned cause the last time she saw Finn, she slapped him right into the face and he missed the last days at school too. It's like basically all the couples break up, what the hell happened this week? It was a nightmare to the glee club.

She ring the bell and a few minutes later Finn opened the door, he is Finn but he doesn't look like Finn at all. He is a wreck, he is with bag under his eyes, puffy and red eyes, messy hair, and a very red nose, he is even with a tissue box in his hand.

"What you're doing here? Didn't you ruined my life a lot for one lifetime? What do you want to do now? Shoot me? I'm sure that wouldn't hurt as much as break up with Rachel, but why not try, right?" Finn ironically and angrily said.

"Chill Finnessa, I didn't came to shoot you. I came to first, sorry for slapping but you deserved." Santana said and Finn sighed mad.

"What a way to apologize." Finn ironically said.

"And second, I need to go to Kurt's room pack his stuff cause he is going to travel this summer, so if you excuse me." Santana said and walk in the house.

"I'm going to be in my room suffering if you need something. Mom and Burt are working so the house is empty, Kurt's baggage is in his closet." Finn said and look to the stairs and he didn't had the strength to go upstairs so he just throw himself on the couch.

"Damn, what happened to you?" Santana asked, she didn't thought that Finn liked Rachel that much.

"Abstinence." Finn said with his buried in a pillow.

"ARE YOU ON DRUGS?" Santana yelled and Finn look at her with wide eyes.

"No! Are you insane?! I'm NOT on drugs. Abstinence of Rachel." Finn said and buried his face in a pillow again.

"Why you're suffering that much? I thought it were just a bet to break Rachel's heart." Santana said and Finn groaned.

"Yeah, at first! But in the end I'm just the jerk who breaks her heart, and mines heart too. How smart am I right?!" Finn ironically said.

"Sorry for telling her, did you really loved her?" Santana asked and Finn sighed and sit on the couch.

"Words don't even describe what I feel for her, every time I said that I loved her were honest. I never lied about what I felt about her, and you don't need to apologize, you did the right thing telling her, she is your best friend. I just never wanted to hurt her." Finn said sad "Okay, now I'm going upstairs before cry like a girl in front of you. But can I ask you three things?" Finn asked and Santana nod. "Is Rachel going to this trip?"

"Yes." Santana answered and Finn's heart broke again, that's mean that he won't see her this summer.

"Where are you guys going?" Finn asked.

"Puerto Rico." Santana said and Finn sighed.

"Can you guarantee that she is going to have a great time there? I know that is not up to me, but I truly love her, seriously, I am madly in love with her and that means that I care about her and I never wanted to hurt her, so please make her happy." Finn said and Santana small smiled.

"I will, I promise." Santana said.

"Thank you." He said then go upstairs and lock himself in the bedroom and lay on his bed and started to cry again. He hates himself about what he did to Rachel, she is literally the most important thing in his life.

——Berry's House

Santana got back at Rachel's house with Kurt's baggage, she can't stop thinking about her conversation with Finn. For some odd reason she actually feels bad for Finn, she never thought he actually liked her, not liked, loved.

After everyone is ready, they go to the airport. Puerto Rico take care cause Hummelpezberry is coming and they plan this vacation to be unforgettable.

The End

Sequel coming soon!

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