Be My Valentine?

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A week later

Finn wake up feeling inspired today, he is just genuinely happy today. He have this feeling that today is going to be a wonderful day, he is super energetic today. He take a shower and ho downstairs with a smile on his face.

"You're looking like a psycho with that smiled on your face." Kurt said but didn't affected Finn.

"It's because I am feeling that today is going to be a great day!" Finn said smiling and kissed his mom cheek. "Don't you feel it mom? That today is going to be awesome?!" Finn said hugging his mom from behind and she laughs.

"Finn, are you sure you're okay?" Burt asked a little worried and Finn laughs.

"I'm not okay, I am feeling AWESOME!!" Finn said excited and eat his apple.

He go upstairs and brush his teeth and finish getting ready to school. Then he go to school driving his motorcycle. For him the day seems prettier today, the sky with any cloud and it's so blue, he walk in the school and grab his stuff, and like the usual he went look for his princess.

"Princess!" He said excited and walk towards her and she looks up and smiled to him.

"Hey Finn." She said but he just grab her and hug her taking her out of the floor, she can't stop laughing.

"What was that about?" She asked laughing and he laugh.

"Today is a beautiful day, I can feel it that today is going to be an amazing day, can't you feel it? Everything seems prettier today!" Finn said excited and Rachel laughs.

"Did you used any type of drugs?" She asked giggling and Finn laughed hard.

"Yes, everyday. The drug is called Rachel Berry and I am addicted!" Finn said joking and she laughed and he laughs too.

"You're so silly! How do you think in this kind of stuff so fast?" Rachel asked and Finn laughed.

"I might be silly, but you like me anyway." Finn said and she laugh.

"Oh really? What makes you think that?" Rachel said and Finn smirk and walk closer to her. 

"Cause I know I can do this-" Finn said and kissed her passionately, he doesn't care that he is in the middle of the hallways, he just wanted an opportunity to kiss her. Finn put her against lockers and a simple kiss turn out in a very deep kiss. Then they split cause both needed oxygen "And you would like it." Finn finished his sentence and she giggle.

"You have a good point." She said smiling and bitting her lightly, and that is driving him nuts, he is still very close to her.

"I have an amazing point." He said smirking and she smiled, then the bell ring interrupting their little moment.

"Still a good day?" Rachel asked giggling to Finn who clearly looked annoyed because of the bell.

"Of course, I kissed you so I could be hit by a truck and still would be so amazing." Finn said smirking and she giggle. "See ya later, princess." Finn said and peck her lips and that surprised her.

"Finn!" She exclaimed and he laugh.

"I know you like when I do that." Finn said and she laugh.

"See ya later, bad boy." She said and he smirk and kissed her cheek and both went to their respective classes. 

Finn couldn't help but smile while he walk to his class. Every time he kisses Rachel's he feels he can fly. It's something that he never felt before.


Before going to the cafeteria Finn goes to Rachel's locker, she is there grabbing a few stuff and he smiled just because that he saw her. 'She looks so cute.' He thought.

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